Amy V: Resurrection (Amy Book 5) by RW Duder

Book - Amy V: Resurrection (Amy Book 5)

Author - RW Duder

Rating - 


Contains spoilers for the series!

Riley has managed to survive and believes that she has defeated her sister Amy but until the scientist Thomas Raines is killed will Amy ever truly be gone or will Raines simply keep on finding ways to resurrect her?

This book sees Riley decide it is time to go after Raines and finally end this once and for all but with his resources and knowledge of what has gone before, can Riley overcome the odds stacked against her?

I had got into the series and hoped that the previous offering which for me had a small drop in quality was not a sign of things to come and unfortunately it has proven to be the case.  When you come across horror films you sometimes find that there is sequel after sequel and just wish that they would stop ruining the legacy of what went before and for me that is the way this book series is starting to go.  A weaker storyline than previous offerings, an ending that leaves things open for more to come and editing issues are all leading to this being a much weaker offering than this series deserves.


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