Amy: Legacy (Amy Book 2) by RW Duder

Book - Amy: Legacy (Amy Book 2)

Author - RW Duder

Rating - 


Contains spoilers for the series!
Having been killed by her serial killer father but risen with one focus, killing everyone, Amy is back!  Detective Russo may have killed her father but he feels the responsibility for keeping Amy from hurting more people very seriously and so has kept her in a secure facility for the last six years but when you have something as evil as Amy to control are you ever really more than one mistake from disaster?

This is the second in the series and where the first offering was let down by editing issues I have been delighted to see a massive improvement in this book and thanks to this I have been able to focus purely on the quality of the story itself and found myself impressed by the horror that is able to be put to the reader.  If you can imagine having a pure thing like a young child who has turned out to be a killer it is something which is challenging for you to wrap your head around but to then find this is a child who is not going to stop killing takes this to a whole other level.

The small markdown is for editing but a massive improvement over the first in the series when it comes to the editing.


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