Getting Those Sales: An Author Tale - J.R. Bloodsteel

Having put your book out there do you set a sales goal?

I have a sales goal, but I’m sure it’s one that’s a bit farfetched.  I know this is going to sound so stupid, but I wanted to be married by my next birthday (which is less than a year away) and that just isn’t going to happen… so I’m shooting to become a bestselling author instead!  Right now, I’m taking the numbers one digit at a time.

How much does the question of sales play in your mind when pricing your book?

Quite a bit, actually.  The price of the book has so much to do with the sales, but I took into consideration the hours of work that were put into the book and how much I would be making in royalties when I priced the book.  I priced it as low as I could go without taking a loss.

What do you do to drive sales?

Word of mouth, mostly.  I try to make sure I keep a presence on social media, and I talk about the book whenever the opportunity arises!  I truly wish I could do more, but I’m just not financially able to right now.  I’ve been keeping my eyes open for any local author events that might pop up!

How much do book bloggers help with sales?

I believe book bloggers help greatly with sales!  Readers respect readers.  If I talk about my own book, there will always be at least one person who thinks I’m trying to spam people with it or force them to read it.  While that’s never the case, it’s not always socially welcomed for the author to promote their own work.  Readers are who everyone listens to; y’all matter so much.

How much do reviews help with book sales?

They are everything!  On top of the readers, the reviews they leave are so incredibly important.  It’s an inside look at whether a book is worth purchasing.  They are our oxygen!

How does it feel knowing someone has purchased your book?

I am humbled every single time I see my numbers go up.  It’s still so surreal that Our Saving Grace is finished and ready for the world to receive it.  It warms my heart when someone purchases a copy.  I feel like I’m one step closer to achieving the ultimate dream of making my livelihood by creating worlds for others to enjoy.


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