Julie Forester interview


When did your love of books begin?

As a small child (the youngest of 6 kids – 3 boys and 3 girls) I was always read bedtime stories. It was safe, fun and a time to connect as a family. It was like growing up in the Walton family.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

As long as I can remember, writing was something I loved to do. Coming from a creative family, my love of illustration went hand-in-hand with writing my own stories and comic books. I would write and illustrate profusely, from the age of about 6 or 7. Later in life, my writing continued – both for pleasure through the musings of a would-be fledgling author and professionally, through my professional background in education.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

You know how life takes you on its intricate pathway of experiences and discovery? For me, one such life-changing series of events lead me to stop, take stock and reflect on a few goals and priorities in my life. I'd seen this happen to other people, but when it happened to me, it was truly my literary epiphany! I realised life really is ‘too short' and decided to bite the proverbial bullet. I've not regretted it once!

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

It sounds corny and a cliché... but keep writing. Honestly, it’s only scary until the white page starts to have words filling it.  Just start jotting your thoughts and ideas. Even a stream of notions can be the seed for something later on. Never expect it to be perfect – that’s for the developmental and copyediting phase, later down the line.

Tell us about your book/books:


Even before the title was decided, I knew exactly how the story would begin and end. An unconventional approach? Perhaps. But the fact was, I had penned my very first and final paragraphs before I had any notion of how the story would unravel.

Crucially (and fatally) I was already emotionally involved with my main character, Jamie Barker. She lived and worked in London UK, so my frequent social visits to the capital enabled me to become familiar with her world. I discovered where she drank, where she lived, where she worked and she even started to introduce me to her circle of friends. As soon as I discovered that Jamie has a story to tell, I knew that I needed to tell it for her!

Manuscript written, I ventured to dip my toes into the big wide world of fiction publication! It was the best feeling ever, when my literary editor gave me the thumbs up and sewed the seed: 'You know, you’ve got something here…’


As I wrote MARMALADE MARTINI, and the twists and turns of the narrative peeled away, I realised that a sequel was brewing! The loose ends and unanswered questions were utterly deliberate. I wanted to dangle the carrot on the stick, step back and see what the audience wanted.

Thankfully, following the success of the first book (and prompted by fantastic reviews and reader-demand) the sequel – ROCK & RHUBARB as born.

The journey continues...

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Like any club or group, a shared commonality helps to keep the process alive and fresh. It’s a forum that enables a sounding board and goal-setting. It helps to challenge and drive the whole creative process  - hopefully, for everyone involved!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Every author dreams of creating a loyal fan-base that will not only read, enjoy and review their books but will also recommend to others! My readers are my bread and butter!

Where can people connect with you?

Website: https://julieforesterbooks.simdif.com

Author Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2162176277342712/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julieforester1

Instagram: http://instagram.com/julie.forester/


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