Luisa A. Jones interview


A little introduction:

I'm an independently-published author living in Newport, South Wales with my husband, daughter, dog and cat. I have two other children who have grown up frighteningly quickly and no longer live with us. When I'm not working or reading I'm usually doing something creative, filling my time with writing, crochet, sewing and baking. As a book addict I have far more books than I could ever read in a lifetime, especially since I discovered the existence of 99p kindle deals. My husband and I own a classic VW camper van called Gwynnie, and love to head off on camping trips in the UK and Europe. Hopefully we'll get to travel a little more this year than in recent years.

When did your love of books begin?

I've loved books for as long as I can remember. I first started reading at the age of three, and I'm sure this was inspired by my parents, who read to me regularly. My dad used to make up funny poems and my mum could recite with terrific expression, giving me a love of books such as Spike Milligan's Silly Verse for Kids and A.A. Milne's When We Were Very Young. As a child I was an avid fan of Enid Blyton and had all the Famous Five books, not to mention several of her other series too. CS Lewis's Narnia books inhabit my imagination even now.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

Even in infant school I loved writing, and I can remember writing much longer and more detailed stories than most of my classmates. When I was in junior school I came across the Garden Gang books, which were written by a child author called Jayne Fisher. I was so envious of her! I longed to be a novelist, and in my teens started writing a couple of historical novels which were abandoned after a while. Sadly, it took a long time to realise my dream of becoming an author, by which time the opportunity to become a world-famous child novelist had passed!.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I found it quite challenging. As hard as it is, writing a complete novel is perhaps the easiest part of the process. Redrafting and honing the words, considering story structure and learning about the craft of writing has been fascinating and an ongoing commitment. Self-doubt is a huge problem for me and I didn't want to release a book until I had faith in its quality and the courage to accept that not everyone would love it. Learning about self-publishing came next, and I still have lots to learn about marketing, which is crucial for any author who wants their books to be more than an expensive hobby.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Go for it! Learn about the craft of writing, find a supportive tribe, and most of all keep plugging away at it. Make your stories as good as they can possibly be, and learn about both self-publishing and traditional publishing, so you can make a decision about which route would work best for you..

Tell us about your book/books:

My favourite genres as a reader are historical fiction and contemporary women's fiction, including romance/comedy - so those are the genres I write. I'm fascinated by relationships and the challenges that mental health issues can cause. So far I've released two books about a couple experiencing the ups and downs of marriage and parenthood. The first, Goes Without Saying, was inspired at a VW festival when I admired the classic camper vans for sale and wondered what would happen if a guy spent thousands of pounds on one without consulting his wife. The sequel, Making the Best of It, will I hope be followed by further books in the future. 

I have also written an historical novel about an Edwardian lady motorist which I am hoping will be released later this year, so watch this space... 
My current project is a contemporary romance inspired by a friend whose childhood chum grew up to be a Hollywood star!

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Most of all I love how supportive writers are of each other. As a reader I've occasionally contacted writers whose books have been particularly moving or enthralling, to thank them. Receiving responses from authors I admire like Jojo Moyes, Laura Kemp, Anna McPartlin and Jane Cable has been a thrill. Of course, I now know how affirming and exciting it is to be contacted by a reader with positive feedback. 

I've been fortunate to be able to participate in the Cariad Chapter of the Romantic Novelists' Association, where I've met some truly wonderful, inspirational authors. Everyone in the group is incredibly supportive and encouraging, whether they are already experienced and successful authors or not yet published.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I'd say diolch/thank you! It means the world to me to know that so many people have read and enjoyed my books. Every time someone takes the time to share a positive review or rating they give me a huge buzz. 

Where can people connect with you?

I don't post much on social media but I'm contactable via Facebook, InstagramTwitter,  and also my website, where you can sign up for my occasional email newsletter and receive a free short story as a thank you gift. If anyone would like to email me they can do so at


  1. A very enjoyable interview, Luisa. It's great to have you in the Cariad Chapter - especially as you're also a Newport author! I look forward to reading your books.

  2. It's not often I'm mentioned in the same sentence as Jojo Moyes ;-) It's a pleasure to be alongside you on your writing journey.


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