Stewart Bint interview
AUTHOR INTERVIEW A little introduction: Stewart Bint (66), who is married with two grown-up children, has been a writer all his working life, initially as a journalist and broadcaster before moving into Public Relations, and later becoming a novelist. Now semi-retired, he is working on his next novel and writes a monthly column for a local magazine in his home county of Leicestershire in the UK. He usually walks barefoot. When did your love of books begin? As a young child. My parents instilled the virtues of reading into me, and I immediately fell in love with the magical worlds contained within the pages. When did you start to have the wish to become an author? I started to create my own worlds and characters when I was eight, writing my stories in little blue notebooks until my parents bought me my first typewriter for my ninth birthday. It was always my ambition to become a published novelist by the time I was 30, but I missed that deadline by 26 years! My first novella came out ju...