A personal Feed My Reads update

Hello everyone and genuinely hoping that everyone is doing brilliantly well.

As you may have noticed of late, I have been somewhat quiet on the community but promise I have not forgotten about our community and wanted to give a little explanation as to why I have been much quieter.

Breaking things down - 

Over recent months I have been having some frustrations when it has come to my day job and it has led me to question as to how my mind puts things together and after conversations with my doctor they were able to confirm that they believe me to be on the autism spectrum.

As the referral has now been made for me to undergo an adult autism assessment I now need to wait for at least 2 years (based on what I have been advised) for the actual assessment to be done.

What has this meant for me?

As someone who is in their late 30s and never had any mention of this in the past it has been something I have been trying to get my head around which involves taking a step back and looking at how I do a number of things when compared to how others do them and so this has been a very tiring thing to undertake so has meant I have been placing a large focus on this.

Is everything OK though?

I have focused on reading, surviving my day job where there have been truly challenging times and I have questioned how strong I am.  I won't deny it has been a very tough time and extremely frustrating when you are able to look at so many of your behaviours over the years and that these match to autism so well.

What comes next?

I don't look at autism as a negative thing and also don't claim that I am worse off health wise than others as every person has their own personal things they have to go through but for me the fact that I am getting a label that confirms my behaviour is different from what others may do but is in fact considered normal for those who fall under the spectrum is a truly huge thing that clears up a huge amount for me personally.

The fact that this community has been created to be a supportive, positive and non-judgemental place means that whilst I have been taking a bit of time out from being as active with things I do continue to read books by authors who maybe part of the community and ensure that those book reviews are being put together to be shared when they are available too.

Please do keep being the amazing community you are and I hope that this post might see some people take a small moment to let someone that may need that lift know just how great they are.


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