Book review - Autem (Book 2 of the Sationem Series) by Lisa Ann Rowe

Book - Autem (Book 2 of the Sationem Series)

Author - Lisa Ann Rowe

Rating - 


The second instalment of this series sees the continuation of our story as Hazel looks to gain strength in her battle to take over the lands or will good overcome evil?

This book is one that has better editing than the first instalment and as I was moving along in the story I was hopeful this would prove to push it to a higher score but instead found myself not drawn in to the actual storyline as much as the first offering.  The ending left me feeling deflated and wondering if I would continue on with any other instalments in the series if there were to be any and in all honesty I think it would be one of those where I would potentially add it to the to be read list but in no rush to get to it.


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