Vicky Whedbee interview


A little introduction:

Hi there! My name is Vicky Whedbee. I'm just a regular gal, born and raised in Daytona Beach Florida where I resided until my 40s when I relocated to San Mateo Florida with my husband. I dreamed of writing a book from early on in my life, but life has a way of putting obstacles out there, so it wasn't until after the relocation that my husband encouraged me to chase the dream and my first book Things He Hadn't Told Her came to be. It was a labor of love over seven years, and then my second and third book quickly followed suit! 

When did your love of books begin?

Books/reading date back to my earliest memories. I have my beautiful late mother to thank for my love of books. She was an avid reader too. One of my happiest memories with her was when I, as the oldest child of nine or ten years, in the summertime had the privilege of sharing lunch with my mom while we read and the younger siblings took their nap ! I felt so grown up! 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

In high school, my English class had to write a short story and then read it in front of the class. Being so painfully shy, I would have rather been home with the worst case of flu or food poisoning than to be subjected to the torture of getting in front of the class, much less having to read something I'd written! To top it off, the teacher was a very strict, no nonsense retired nun, and A's were not something she handed out freely. However, not only did I survive the reading, the entire class applauded AND I got an A+! So writing a book has been on my mind since that fateful day. 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I began the journey the traditional way sending out query letters looking for an agent/publisher, but during this time my father was diagnosed with cancer. He fought a great battle but his failing health prompted me to self publish in order to present to him a finished product to show him what I had accomplished by putting the actual book in his hands. I was reading Things He Hadn't Told Her to him, and though he sadly passed away before we finished it, I know he was very proud. Long story short, I was thankful for Kindle Direct Publishing making it possible for me to become an author in a timely manner. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Oh my. Having the discipline in itself to write and more importantly complete a book is a huge feat! Putting your heart and soul out there for strangers to read and critique was one of the hardest things for me to do personally, but it has also been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done! Some of my reviews have brought me humble tears of joy, not to mention the new friends (some that have become besties), that were made from people reaching out to me because of my books! So I would say, you can do whatever you put your mind to. It's not easy, but if it's something you really want, go for it! AND DON'T QUIT!

Tell us about your book/books:

Things He Hadn't Told Her is a love story about two best friends that fall for the same girl in college. It spans several years, and is a test of loyalty with some twists and turns on the spoilers!
Sarah's Song is a family saga of suspense, circa 1940, wrapped around a secret that leads to tragedy. It touches on sensitive subject matter, rape, murder, physical and verbal abuse, but it's written in a clean fashion suitable for even young readers.
Sarah's Home is also a work of suspense that picks up where Sarah's Song leaves off, introducing new characters (and new story lines) that come into the safe home erected in honor of the victims of abuse in book one. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I am most active with the Twitter writing/reading community, and I have been SO impressed with how supportive they have been to me! There were periods of absence for me after the death of my dad, then my husband, and recently my mom, when I could barely function, much less be on social media, but some of these very dear people made sure my books/tweets continued circulating while I was away. I was very touched! I have made some true friends in the writing/reading community on Twitter! I have also had readers that loved my books contact me on Facebook, and some of those are very dear friends to me now as well! I think it's safe to say I adore the writing/reading community!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you so very much for sharing your time with me by choosing one or more of my books to read! It is such an honor! I sincerely hope you enjoyed the characters that allowed me to introduce them to you! It's my fervent wish that you will be receptive reading more books of mine in the future! 

Where can people connect with you?


  1. Wonderful interview. I'm happy to learn a little more about you, Vicky, after our Tweets on Twitter. If you ever get on Facebook, be sure to look me up and my writers and readers group forum. You'd be a great addition to it. God bless your books and writing. Just ordered your first book for my TBR list. :)


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