Z Macabre interview


When did your love of books begin?

As a kid. I've always struggled to sleep, so my mom used to read to me before bed every night and I'd always beg for her to read another chapter and always got sad when we finished a book. I was always very excited about murder mysteries!

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I've always wanted to write, but it really wasn't until I was in my 20's. I just sat down one day and started writing and it ended up a novel.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It's a lot of work, and you have to really fight some demons in some ways. It's not just about wanting to do it, it's about actually doing it, and sometimes you have a nagging negative voice telling you that you shouldn't. You have to decide how much you want it, and then go for it.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Decide what you want your readers to get and work towards that - what experience, benefits, and overall quality you want them to experience. I decided to self-publish my books not because I didn't think my books were good enough to publish another way, or because I was impatient. Rather, because I wanted to control how much they cost. I make very little from my books and try to make them free every few months, just in case someone can't afford it. No one should be kept from being able to escape through reading, even if they have no money.

Tell us about your book/books:

I have a series I'm working on called The Witch, with a sequel The Witch & The Vampire. It's the first two in a four-part series about a witch. It's a story of good vs evil, sort of, but it's meant to ask what is "evil", and does evil really exist? Are you "good" because you say you're good, or because of the choices you end up making? Plus it's queer. I'm also working on a new one-off story that's just a thriller. I'll talk more about that as I get closer to publishing.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I'm still finding my place, honestly. But, never in my life have I felt more love than from people who enjoy my books. it's a whole new level of appreciation when readers enjoy your work. I don't know what I'd do without that kind of support. It makes it all worth it, you know?

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Y'all are the absolute best. Thank you for being here. Truly, you all make me feel like I could do anything.

Where can people connect with you?

zmacabre.com is my websiteyou can follow me on IG: instagram.com/z_macabreor twitter: twitter.com/z_macabre


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