Ella M. Quinn interview


A little introduction:

Welcome to the ancient mystery of Celtic tribe vitality.  An epic Celtic novelette from Ella Quinn, who weaves a gripping tale of strength, forgiveness and unconditional love. 

In the Alps near modern-day France, a young Celtic hunter, Aoife, is spared by a mysterious red deer. She realises that now her life has a precise purpose. The discovery of an ill omen, confirms her beliefs. It is the omen, warning Aoife and her tribe of an impending Roman attack. With the help of the druid's blessing, this tribe avoids Roman attacks and helps the stone eaters, a nearby tribe in the Alps, to be defeated.

When did your love of books begin?

My parents bought me books to read. Every night my parents would find me curled up somewhere around the house with the new books we’d been gifted. It was love at first sight! While reading, I emerged myself in the context and became part of the book. My imagination expanded into a new world.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

When I was young, I didn’t just read books for children, I played with Lego. I created Lego people and invented stories while playing with them. I was an only child for nine whole years, so I played by myself. This gave me the opportunity to develop many stories while I held the characters in my hands and acted out the scene.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It’s a very competitive sector, there are so many books in the market today. The speed of publications and new releases is incredible. Finding editors, publishers and selling routes is not easy especially if you are new.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Never give up! I am not sure who said it, but he said “Fall 7 times and get up 8”. If you have that passion for writing and it gives you a kick when you start the process, then continue. Books are out there not only for the author to make money, but they are out there to contribute to the world. I would add, to make the world happier and better. So, if you get joy in your heart when you write, then never stop. If you also put joy in peoples heart while they read your book, then you have given your readers a precious gift. 

Tell us about your book/books:

Well, I have started with a new release call “The Beacon’s Call”. It’s about a Celtic tribe that live near the foot of the Alps. A lecture on Celtic civilization passed on the passion it. So, I wrote an adventure story, that I hope will have many other series. I also write poetry, and I am working on a travel poetry book. It’s a guide, but at the same time a poetry book. A bit unusual, but what is normal? The book will come out by the end of the year. I have written self-help books on happiness the last is called “Happiness in a Nutshell”, which is going really well.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Well, you can share thoughts and opinions, gain advice and create a community where we are all in the same boat. I could say that we become a big “FAMILY”. Readers get a chance to create a contact with the author, which is a very important and enriching moment, especially when certain themes are developed and discussed in more depth.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Reading opens doors to new worlds. Reading helps us grow and look at thoughts, ideas and situations at 360°. A man without a book is a man without friends!

Where can people connect with you?

People can connect with me by visiting my webpage where they can find all my social media links. 






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