My Brand New Book Release with Teri M. Brown

What's is your new book called? 

My newest novel is An Enemy Like Me, a WWII era historical fiction.

Where did the inspiration for the name come from?

My family is German-American, though we settled in the United States in the 1700s. Nonetheless, my grandfather, who fought in WWII in Germany, once said to me, “I always wondered if the person on the other end of the gun was a cousin.” That idea stuck with me and became the basis of An Enemy Like Me

When is the book released? 

An Enemy Like Me, published by Atmosphere Press, launches on January 24, 2023.

Tell us about the book:

An Enemy Like Me follows a first-generation German American who becomes a soldier during WWII. He believes he is going to fight the Japanese but ends up in Germany. While there, he recognizes that he is more like the enemy than he is different from them. The novel looks at war and how it changes people from the point of view of the soldier, his wife, and the four-year-old son left behind, as well as from the perspective of the son once he is grown. This is more than a story about war. It is a story about love, and what a person will do to prove that love.

If you could do a sales pitch then what would you say to those considering buying this book?

An Enemy Like Me uses the backdrop of World War II to show the angst experienced by a family when touched by a war they did not create. It explores the concepts of xenophobia, intrafamily dynamics, and the recognition that war is not won and lost by nations, but by ordinary men and women and the families who support them. Reading the book will make you ask the question, “What would I be willing to do for love?”

Where can we purchase the book?

You can find the book on Amazon (, Barnes & Noble (, most other online bookstores, and at my website

Where can people connect with you?

The easiest way to connect with me is through my website at In addition to joining my newsletter, where you will get the list of “The 10 Historical Fiction Novels You’ve Never Heard of That Will Bring You to Tears,” you can reach out to me through my contact form, and find links to all my social media.

For those who prefer going directly to social media, you can find me here:


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