My First Publication - Dr. Man

What was the book called and what was it about?

It was some inspirational poetry and the book was entitled Don't Forget To Remember.

Who published it or was it self published?

It was self published.

How did it feel having that completed book with a front cover?

I ran from one end of the house to the other!

Talk to us about the publication day itself.

It was a lot of work and money; but it was all worth it when I was told it was in my local library.

If you could give any advice to those yet to have their first book publication day, what would it be?

Make sure you have your work copyrighted; times have changed and I still have every poem I've written
and thanks to tecnology, keeping a record of your work has become easier, and if you have the right people
behind you, go ahead and grab a book deal; but if you can't don't give up, getting your work self-published
is very easy right down to the cover; you've got to keep swinging soon you'll knock one out of the park!


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