Jennifer Marchman interview


A little introduction:

My name is Jennifer Marchman, and I live in Austin, Texas, with my husband, three nearly-grown children, and the two best dogs in the world. At different times, I've worn various authorial hats, including ghostwriter-memoirist, editor, curriculum writer, educational blogger, grant writer, and addicted social media over-sharer, but now, after many years, I'm writing for pleasure.Besides being a member of the Writers’ League of Texas, I belong to the Historical Novel Society and #TimeTravelAuthors in the Twitterverse. I also enjoy flamenco dancing, am the proud owner of a white belt in jiu-jitsu, and wish to compete internationally in mounted archery but lack a ticket to Kazakhstan. I've toyed with the idea of picking up pottery again, but need more hours in my day and a husband willing to install (for the fourth time) the necessary electrical outlet for a kiln that may likely go unused.My debut novel, The Mender, is a 2022 finalist in the Writers’ League of Texas Manuscript Contest, and is currently being released on Kindle Vella: 
I will be republishing The Mender on Kindle Unlimited Summer 2023

When did your love of books begin?

When I was about eight years old, my mother read two books to me while my younger siblings napped: The Witch of Blackbird Pond and Indian Captive. I was entranced, and I pretty much had a book in my hand from that point on. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I don't have a memory of wishing to become an author separate from falling in love with reading, of being transported to another life--- one so much more interesting than my own. Writing and reading seemed intertwined, and I've always lived in my own head.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Delayed. When my oldest child was born, I stopped writing. I focused solely on mothering, but now I am rediscovering the joy of the creative process. I would rather write than do just about anything else.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Do it. Just start. Journal. Write whatever comes to mind. The ideas will blossom. And then learn everything you can about the business side, either traditional or indie. Pick one and insert yourself into the community. Seek out mentors you trust and respect. Exhaust the free resources online to level up your craft and business before you pay for classes, BUT if you keep coming across the same name being recommended by different reputable people, spend the money.

Tell us about your book/books:

My debut novel is The Mender
Injured and separated from her mission partner, time traveler Eva finds herself stranded in the right place, but the wrong time: 1835 Tejas y Coahuila. When she is rescued by former Comanche captive Jim and nursed back to health, their growing friendship deepens to an undeniable attachment. Will her conscience demand she complete her mission or allow her to marry the man she loves? And will Jim come to terms with his past and the things he did to survive?

I also have a story featured in the Accidental Time Travelers Collective which called "Field and Flame" and is set in the worlds of The Mender as a prequel.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Within the indie community, I am continually astonished by how supportive established authors are, not just with words of encouragement to budding writers, but with practical, executable advice. The scarcity mindset that plagues the traditional publishing world is absent from the indie publishing community.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

The Mender is the book of my heart. Not only do I hope it sticks with you after you put it down, but it also tugs at your heartstrings and sends you down rabbit holes of new thought.

Where can people connect with you?

Please say hi! I'd love to hear from you:


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