Dianne Herbert interview


When did your love of books begin?

Books have always been part of my life, probably starting with sitting on my mothers knee as she read out things like Paddington Bear. We visited the local library each week and I've never stopped going back.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

That's hard to say. It was always assumed that I would write, and was more a surprise that it took so long, rather than a shock that I'd done so.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Mixed. The writing I find absolutely fine. The grammar and spellchecking etc. I find incredibly tedious! Being an indie I need to do all of that, rather than trust to someone at the publishers end. If I could find someone to take on all of that (at a reasonable price) I'd consider it!

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Just sit down and write! Some people like to plan everything out in advance and sort out plots and characters and where it will all end up. That sounds fun - but also sounds like an excuse not to actually write! I find out most of my plots at the same time as the characters do. What hits the page is a constant surprise!

Tell us about your book/books:

I started off with novels, as that seemed the natural thing to do, and then wrote a short story series (8 parts out, more to come...). I then found the Medium blog site, and discovered that they also take short stories. I've now self-published four novels, a couple of novelettes, and round 50 short stories.
All of the above are in the "erotica" genre, but I've also a short Fantasy and a short Science Fiction story looking for publishing homes.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

For years I wrote alone, and worked out all the pitfalls and hassles alone. It was only when I joined Twitter, earlier this year, that I found out that a writing community existed. I'm not sure they have helped me in my writing (possibly I've helped them more as I've done all the wrong things and can talk about that!) but just having people with common interests and shared hoped and dreams is a joy.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Hello! Please remember to let authors know what you thought of their stories - the good and the bad. Most of us are doing this as well as regular jobs and so not exactly earning huge amounts of money from it. Getting reader feedback can absolutely make our day!

Where can people connect with you?

I don't have a website of my own, so Twitter is a good place to find m@AuthorDherbert


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