Mathew Michael Collins interview


A little introduction:

Hi, my name is Mathew Michael Collins. I've been writing poetry since I was in my teenage years. At first, being a typical teenager in some ways, I thought poetry was something I would never be interested in, until I almost immediately realized the freedom of expression, and especially darkness which a poet like Edgar Allan Poe presented to me at an early age. My mother showed me his poetry, since at first I wasn't at all enthused about the idea of having to write poetry until I read some of his. I sincerely thank my mother for "making" me write poetry! Though, my mother actually encouraged me to start writing even before that, with journal entries, and even some children's fantasy stories which were my first experiences in writing, and things I will return to 'soon enough' with publishing my first novel some time next year.

When did your love of books begin?

The first book I recall really having fallen in love with was Jack London's 'The Call of the Wild.' This too started out very unenthusiastically, but don't judge a book by its cover, or rather always be sure to give something a chance before being deflated about it. For soon I found myself swept away into my deepest imagination to a landscape which Jack London provided so perfectly in 'The Call of the Wild,' which invoked such passion in my young mind that it inspired much more enthusiasm in reading after having read that title.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I would say probably seventeen or eighteen years of age, after having written poetry for a few years. Although I had written children's stories years before that, I hadn't thought about being a writer yet at that point. Poetry really got many things going for me, even at that age. My teacher Mr. Courtney really encouraged me to realize my poetry was good, at least to him. I am mighty thankful to him for that! 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Probably as with any occupation, I think the process starts unfolding before you really realize it. Every experience you have in life adds to the process, as does each experience we have adds to the fullness of our writing. It's hard work in that it takes time to make our writing as an author as 'perfect' as we possibly can. Even if it doesn't turn out the way we had hoped, we always learn from our experiences, thus there are really no bad experiences in that sense, because they all build character, adding to our storytelling ability in some way or another.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Keep a journal, both for dreams, as ofttimes that's when I might get even the slightest beginning of what turns out to be a beautiful idea, or to jot down most anything that pops into your mind, via a journal, or most any idea. You never know what might end up becoming a really wonderful story. I'm sure so many authors didn't expect this or that to turn into a story, when at first it was only what seemed to be a very small idea, and ended up turning into a whole universe of literature. 

Tell us about your book/books:

In 2017 on May Day I released 'Grasp Fire,' a dark and nature themed book. I decided to publish some of my older poetry which I had found, remembering upon reading how much I had wanted to publish these poems someday. I looked up Lightning Ingram, realized it was actually a possibility, worked very hard for a month compiling and editing them myself, and finally making my dreams come true via self publishing. My second and latest book was entitled 'Dragon Tomes: A Harrowing Ode to Antiquity,' which was poetry I have written much more recently. About half Norse themed, the latter half more Horror/psychological in theme. I was fortunate enough to have the great author Michael H. Kelly from the Isle of Man, who can be found at 'Michael Kelly's Library of Doom' on Facebook, where he does readings of Edgar Allan Poe, and of his own vast great literary works, to edit that second volume of poetry I produced in September of 2021. I have a third volume of poetry which is still in the editing process, but finished writing and should be ready early next year. I've also got a novel which I've spent the better part of ten years fleshing out, which should hopefully be ready next year as well in 2023, as well as a few other titles which are very much still in the works in varying degrees of completion.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love the support I've received both on and off Twitter. People are hungry for good literature, and with the advent of social media, it's really exciting to be able to reach out probably more easily than ever to find readers, and hopefully to inspire would-be and aspiring writers so they too don't give up! It's very important to encourage other writers to keep at it. Sometimes it seems an impossible, and certainly daunting task, but one step at a time, as a wise man once told me, gets you to your goal, eventually, and the journey is so much a part of the process. Perhaps in hindsight the most valuable, exciting, and necessary part. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Worcestershire. I'm only kidding. I hope they have enjoyed reading my work as much as I have writing it. I promise there is much, much more to come which invigorates the very core of my being like nothing else. I am incredibly passionate about writing, harking back to my very earliest children's stories I penned before or around the age of ten years old, which will see the light of day at some point, up to a book on the sociology of sports and the psychological effects it has on people en masse, and various other genres. These are very exciting times for me as an author, and more than anything, thank you so very much for your support. Without you, well, I would just be a writer staring at a piece of paper with no one to share my words with except if I was fortunate, some ravens, like Edgar Allan Poe. 

Where can people connect with you?

My social media username handle is Grasp Fire on Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Other than that, I haven't done any public book signings or anything of the sort just yet, but I would love to someday! 
In closing, I would just like to say a huge thanks to 'Feed My Reads' for gifting me this wonderful opportunity to reach out and get in touch with even more readers.
It's incredibly important to be grateful, and I am very, very grateful for this! 


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