Judy Leigh interview


A little introduction:

I’m Judy Leigh. I write humorous women’s fiction for Boldwood books and dual timeline spooky novels as Elena Collins. I also write in a third genre- it’s under wraps at the moment but the news is coming soon!
My biography can be found on Amazon with my books or with my wonderful publisher Boldwood books. I’m published in many countries and languages.

When did your love of books begin?

I started to read at three years old, and I immediately loved the world books could take a reader to. A personal make believe place that feels real, with characters we can love or empathise with,  and journeys to make us laugh, cry or feel a dozen different emotions!
And that’s without leaving the room.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

At an early age, I write poems and stories and scripts. I loved using words to spin a spell.
Then six years ago I did a masters and wrote a novel. I found an amazing agent and a publisher. That’s when the magic started for me.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Exciting! We were warned during our MA that we’d need to paper our walls with agents’ rejection slips. I was lucky and I’m thankful every day. I met really lovely supportive people who guide and inspire me. I love every minute.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

You can do it! Of course you have to want to enough to write thousands of words and then work at improving them. If you live that, you’ll succeed. 
The important thing is to do it for your readers. Research the genre widely. Read a lot. Work out what works and why. Believe….

Tell us about your book/books:

My first novel A Grand Old Time was about a woman in her seventies who buys a camper van and explores France, finding a new direction in life, not realising that her son is in pursuit. My latest novel in this genre is The Highland Hens- Mimi is in her eighties and dreams of the times when she was a chorus girl on stage.The stories are inclusive, uplifting and humorous, promising second chances, a supportive cast, love and sometimes there are tears. 
My latest novel as Elena Collins is The Witch’s Tree. It moves between two parallel stories of Selena in the present day and Grace in 1682…
It is a little spooky, and for readers who love to read authors such as Barbara Erskine…

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

It’s the most supportive and positive group. I’ve made so many friends who are novelists, editors, readers, bloggers and reviewers. There’s so much love for writing and reading and so much shared celebration.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you so much for reading my books. And reviews mean so much. I love writing. I’m living the dream and I’m grateful for it every day.

Where can people connect with you?

Social media or through my publisher. Of course the best way is to read my books. If a reader enjoy them, there’s no better feeling!


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