My Ideal Holiday - Moeez Hatanian

First of all where are you going? 

I prefer to go alone so I can meet people along the way.

Are you going on your own or taking people along (if you're taking people then who are you taking)?

Around Australia, it's a fascinating country with lots of adventure, culture and history to offer.

How are you getting there?

Via a flight.

What 5 books are you taking with you?

Two fiction, Macbeth and Saviours Sisters, two astronomy books plus a photography guidebook.

You've arrived, do you unpack straight away or are you going to leave it until later?

Relax a little and have a read; I'll unpack later.

What are you going to do during your holiday?

Visit different places on tours around the country, learn and pick new ideas for my new book while taking photos.

What memento do you bring back from your holiday?

Special memorial souvenirs, possibly artwork from different areas like historical sites as well as local books and reads.


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