My First Five Star Review Experience - Moeez Hatanian

Where was the review left?

On Amazon.

How did you initially feel seeing five stars?

Wonderful, a little surprised but very appreciative of course.

After reading the review in full how did you respond or react?

I was smiling for a long time, it's nice to know that someone read the book I wrote and liked it.

Did you celebrate and if you did then how?

I celebrated by having a toast to myself.

What would you say to someone who just got their own first five star review?

 It's the first one and won't be the last but be wary because we can't please every reader. 

Just how important are reviews to authors?

Every review helps, good or bad. It helps in an author's growth as they learn from it and pick up on what they have missed.

Where can people connect with you?

Best place


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