Seth Augenstein interview
A little introduction:
Here is a short bio of myself, in the third-person and all fancy-like:
When did your love of books begin?
My love of books was there from my earliest days stuck in a church pew, when I would read all those crazy tales of blood and vengeance in the Old Testament. But it also continued through discovery of authors which shaped me, the earliest being Roald Dahl and John Bellairs. The stories of books were always even richer, somehow, than the movies I loved.
When did you start to have the wish to become an author?
It was Edgar Allan Poe (at age eight) which made me want to be a writer. Reading those intense short visions of nightmares just fired my imagination, and I wanted to try to do the same with my own creations.
How have you found the process for becoming an author?
The process to me is to just write every day, and keep essaying to make the perfect sentence. For me, it's a quasi-devotional pursuit which makes life meaningful. Everything else about the "process" to becoming an author is branding/marketing, handshakes and politics. I like that part of the process much less, partly because my work does not always fit neatly into genres, or play well into template tropes.
What would you say to those wanting to become an author?
Writers have to write, and take the pursuit seriously. There is no waiting around for the perfect inspiration or idea. It's about getting the words down, and then endlessly chiseling, planing, sanding them down into the best version of your vision possible. There's no faking or hacking your way to a good story.
Tell us about your book/books:
What do you love about the writing/reading community?
I love that writers are supportive of each other, even when they have not met in person. Readers, when they connect with a book, are so helpful in connecting a book they love with an audience.
If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?
My readers should all know I pledge to never bore them, and never will waste their time. Every word, sentence, and plot twist is the product of toil and sweat equity. I believe this comes through in the final product.
Where can people connect with you?
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