Ophelia Kee interview


A little introduction:

Hello, I’m Ophelia Kee. I write paranormal romance stories set in an urban fantasy world known as the dream, which incorporates many elements of magical realism. I’m the author of the Draoithe Saga, which has become an experience and now includes several spinoff miniseries and extra tales, as well as the blog, AI audiobooks, and video books. The major series has twenty published volumes. I always like to note that the PNR is steamy and intended for mature audiences. I don’t want to mislead anyone as I write for an adult audience. Welcome to the dream…

When did your love of books begin?

I fell in love with reading as a child. In middle school, I read everything on the fiction side of the library (true story). I even had a favorite tree I disappeared into during the summer so I could read without being interrupted.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I mean, I always wanted to write, but that wasn’t a viable option. (I had responsibilities and needed a ‘real’ job if you can relate to that?) It was in early August 2016 (I was 42 years old) when I first had the bright idea that I should write a book. Sitting in a boring repeat meeting for a job I once enjoyed but had become increasingly less creative as time marched on, I decided to write. Reading on my phone would have been frowned upon, but no one would notice if I opened a blank document. Once-upon-a-time-in-the-dream took off.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

In my real life, I’m highly organized. As an author, not so much. I’m a chaotic pantser. Partly because that’s how the scene flows and partly because of the demands on my time. Even if I could write full-time, which of course is the dream, I doubt my writing style would change. It works for the tiger in me. I do what I want when I want and as much as possible the way I want. 

That hasn’t always led to success, however. So I wouldn’t recommend it to others. As a result, it has led me firmly down the self-publishing path. (I don’t get query letters at all and I couldn’t meet deadlines to save my life, so trad. publishing is out of the question.) In that area, I have no regrets. With 69+ titles now available, I doubt I’ll stop. It’s definitely like a drug, and I couldn’t quit without an apocalypse as an intervention.

I have to say that when it comes to publishing; it is a step-by-step process. One must follow the rules if one would like a shot at being read by others. And there are a few things concerning marketing (which I’m still doing wrong out of my own stubbornness and a total lack of funds) that also could stand a bit more uniformity than my writing style seems to lend. I’m learning. I’m having fun and I hope my readers are enjoying my brand of crazy.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Do it! It’s the most fun you will ever have with what you learned in elementary school. Don’t expect your writing to be an instant, overnight success. It won’t be. It’s a long-haul gig, not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it’s the most labor-intensive passive-income stream I ever heard of. Still, once you get hooked, it’s hard to give it up. 

Tell us about your book/books:

Each story in the Saga has a main couple whose story advances the urban fantasy storyline and their book ends with a happily-for-now while the urban fantasy continues as a cliffhanger into the next stories. Cameo appearances by other characters from previous stories pop in and out of the Saga like Easter eggs with connections to other stories intertwined within the pages. Magical realism occurs when the reader realizes that all the stories are set in the dream which is a world eerily similar to our own. It’s a world in which humans have confused the truth about magic and twisted the meanings of legends, myths, religion, and fairytales. Humans might rule the largest level of the dream, but they’re definitely not alone in the dream. Immortals hide their realms from unbelieving humans, but on occasion, ordinary people stray into those hidden magical realms. If that sounds crazy, I'm glad. I hope if it’s the good kind of crazy, more people will take a peek inside the madness.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

What I love the most about the writing and reading community is that we all agree that within the pages of a good book, we can immerse ourselves and become something more. It may be to learn a new craft or simply to entertain ourselves for a moment, but books truly offer us the wealth of humanity.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you! Your support means more to one humble crazy tiger than you will ever know. I literally can’t tell you how uplifting it is to see a kind review or know that someone enjoyed one of my stories. I wrote and am writing the Draoithe Saga to entertain. That’s all. I want nothing more than to be a storyteller, and I hope others will enjoy my craft. If my madness can offer someone else the same joy of escape that it has offered me, then I’m pleased that I have shared my creativity. Thank you again to all who have supported me. I'm truly grateful. With your continued support, I might one day be able to write full time.

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Have a Question? Suggestion? Comment? Need to speak, learn, or read about my books, writing, publishing, or marketing? I love to be bothered, inspired, and entertained by the world of books. Drop by and say, Hello!

Email the author at opheliakee69@gmail.com

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