D.L. Lewellyn interview


A little introduction:

Hi, I’m so glad to meet you all. My pen name is D. L. Lewellyn, but you can call me Darci.

I started writing fiction in my 50s, during the Pandemic, after spending a summer reading nearly 100 books, all in the supernatural, horror, paranormal romance genre. Authors like Cassandra Claire, Stephenie Meyer, Charlaine Harris, Stephanie Hudson, and Kresley Cole sparked my passion. I decided I wanted to try my hand at it.

Somehow, a year later, and with the unflagging support of my husband of 30 years, I self-published two books in a series… two years later, I’m nearly finished with the third. In addition, two stand-alone novels are well underway that I’m thrilled with, one YA Urban Fantasy, and one Dystopian Sci Fi. I’ve also enjoyed participating in short story and flash fiction writing competitions in the last few months.

When did your love of books begin?

I had a decent library as a first grader, which I read through so many times, the books started falling apart. Favorites were James and the Giant Peach, Charlotte's Web, then on to the likes of Little Women… As a young adult, it was all about mystery and gothic romance from authors like Phyllis A. Whitney, Victoria Holt, Jude Deveraux and Johanna Lindsey, mixed with darker horror from Dean Koontz and Stephen King, and epics like Dune, and Lord of the Rings.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

It was a tiny flicker in the back of my mind most of my life, but I kept trying other forms of art until two years ago. Now it’s all I want to do.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

For me, it was a matter of sitting down at the keyboard when I decided to go for it, and starting a prologue, which blossomed into a story that kept growing. So far, the flow of words hasn’t stopped, and I’m grateful. I’m a pantser 100%. I think because of my age, I don’t want to waste any time with too much planning or writer’s block if it can be helped. I just want to write scenes as they pop in my head one after the other. Some of my musings on my blog are about my pod people aka my characters that were seeded in my mind by aliens. At least that’s how it feels sometimes.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Don’t let anything stop you, life, time, and especially yourself. Just write. The more you write, the more the stories will come. Write for yourself first and foremost because you love it.

Tell us about your book/books:

I’ve published two stories in a supernatural romance series, The Starlight Chronicles, set in real places in the present day with supernatural races living alongside humans who mostly are unaware, rich with other worlds and characters that I’m expanding into spin-off stories. I didn’t intend to write a series, but my story got big, and I like it big, and each book ends in a cliffhanger… so beware. However, I’ve learned a lot since about the value of writing smaller stories and writing shorter has really honed my skills. I recommend doing as many short story challenges, competitions as you can. There are a lot of reasonable ones out there that won’t break your budget but are big on rewards.


What do you love about the writing/reading community?

Finding groups like this who believe in supporting struggling writers and other creators. I really appreciate the sharers! That’s what I’m striving for on my website and on Twitter as well. In addition to musings about the writer’s life, I love to pass on resources every chance I get, even if it’s a quick link to a TikTok video with tips from an editor or someone sharing their learning experiences. Twitter is an excellent place to spread these things around, and I’ve been blown away by the writing community there.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Though I write the stories I love, I really do hope to bring enjoyment to my readers by giving them a world at once wondrous and relatable, to get utterly lost in. There is nothing more satisfying, except being a reader who enjoys getting lost in another writer’s story.

Where can people connect with you?

Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to share! My website will direct you to my contact info, books and social media, and a little more about myself, some fun resources and recently, interviews with other burgeoning creators. I’d love for you to comment or shoot me an email with any questions at bydllewellyn.com.


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