River interview


A little introduction:

Hi, my name is River, I'm an aspiring author in my 20's, and I'm Canadian. I got into writing because it helps me in a way that nothing else seems to.

When did your love of books begin?

My love for books began when I was in elementary school. I've loved books for as long as I can remember! 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I've wanted to be an author since the age of 12.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I am still in the process of becoming an author but so far it's been fun and a tad difficult. I'm still learning every day which can be challenging when I don't understand what to do but it's fun figuring out how to navigate through it.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

What I would say to those wanting to become an author would be to dream big! Ask lots of questions, don't be afraid to look dumb because we all have the same questions and the only way to learn is to put yourself out there. Also, get Twitter and look for friends through the writing community there, I mean I'm always up for discussing writing with anyone!

Tell us about your book/books:

I haven't published any books yet. However, the books I'm working on right now are YA and YA Romances. The work I'm focused on at the moment is about someone trying to heal from their life that used to be full of trauma, old things from their past show up from time to time and they have to deal with them as they come. They aren't doing it alone though, they have a partner who's supporting them, a big group of great friends, and a wonderful family. This is all happening while they are trying to finish high school and join as many clubs as they can.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love that the writing/reading community is full of support. They're so many discord servers to join with wonderful people in them. People on any social media are there to support you and it's a great way to find like-minded people. It's like having a big online family where you can share ideas, get feedback, and just general kindness.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

If I could say anything to my readers it would be that I am so grateful for any support they are willing to give me. It's amazing seeing people enjoy my work because I didn't get into writing for fans. I got into writing because I genuinely love to write and it's just nice to share something I love so much with others and actually see others enjoying it as well.

Where can people connect with you?

People can connect with me through the following:
Twitter: river7ld
Instagram: river7ld
and my link tree: https://linktr.ee/river7ld


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