Jordan Leigh Hart interview


When did your love of books begin?

I think it happened initially from listening to bedtime stories as a young child. My dad would make up stories about bugs in "The Deep Dark Woods", and tales of mischief about a little girl named Annie Pumpernickel, who I think was supposed to deter me from being too adventurous, but rather, was my hero. To this day, a good story makes the world seem just a little more stable. But my first true love? Peter Pan by JM Barrie. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

By thirteen, it had become serious. By then, my imagination was humming to an almost unbearable extent. Writing was the easiest, most straightforward way to release the universes forming inside me. Once I started, my naivete convinced me I was good at it (I was not), which carried me through the first few years until I kind of was good. Kind of.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

Painfully. I began with poetry, and learned how to be pithy. That alone taught me a great deal, and forced me to expand my vocabulary in a monumental way. Then I tried short stories. When that became unsatisfying, I tried writing my first full length novel at 16 or so. I didn't finish my first until my late twenties. Practicing writing books takes a minute. As for book writing, the most important thing is to compartmentalize my creative child and my editing, judging critic. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

  1. Finish a book, if you haven't. Forget if it's good. If it sucks, you can fix it later. A blank page can't be edited. And if you accomplish finishing a book, it's one of the very few things in life that can't be taken from you. 

  2. Give up as many times as you need, as long as it's not forever. Keep going. Even if it means your epitaph reads: "They kept trying, for some reason."

  3. Read, read, read. 

  4. Do not cast pearls before swine. Meaning, don't give your fragile newborn manuscript to a jerk or someone without the capacity to know what they've been given. Not at first, at least. 

Tell us about your book/books:

My books differ quite a bit. My published one is a noir, psychological thriller about the relationship between a serial killer and the man contracted to kill her. I'd say it's darkly humorous, but with a lot of good fun with psychological torment, philosophy and the macabre. The one next in line is a young adult sci fi, and the other is a prequel to it. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

The reading community is supportive, helpful, warm, and weird in my favorite ways. In my limited experience, the writing community, by and large, is full of people hustling, myself included. They are supportive and helpful on occasion, but I think they're mostly busy…Which is what you hope for as a writer. 

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Thank you. Thank you for letting me share a piece of myself with you, thank you for being a reader, and thank you for being the exact version of yourself that you are right now. Your least favorite version of yourself still matters to this world, even if it's only to your cat, and the author whose book you tried out.

Where can people connect with you?

Twitter: @JordanLeighHar1

Instagram: Jordan.leigh.hart

 TikTok: @jlhartwrites

Facebook: Jordan Leigh Hart

As for in real life, you can find me at the quaint little coffee shop down the road. Just kidding. I don't go anywhere. 


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