Danae Decker interview


A little introduction:

I am Author and Blogger, Danae Decker. Author of "Life in Katie's Shoes," and Blogger at www.authordanaedecker.com . I have a background in business, and currently, work at a tech company. In addition to writing being a passion, I enjoy mountain biking, golfing, hiking, backpacking, climbing, reading, and currently learning acoustic guitar. I am a believer in self-improvement and enjoying life on your own terms.  

When did your love of books begin?

As a child, I loved the Junie B. Jones series. My kindergarten teacher read us multiple copies, and I remember how fun and whimsical the books were. As I grew up through the years, my taste in books has evolved. For a bit, I was worried that reading others’ work would deter my own. However, over the last year, I have fallen back into a routine of finding my love for reading others’ written adventures. I appreciate how reading others’ work can help teach me lessons on my own writing about how to phrase certain things and descriptors, etc… as a kid, writing poetry and short stories was always a part of my life. Poetry was a coping method for me when I was a kid navigating emotion. Over the years, writing has been a part of my life in different mediums. Words are power.   

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

The thought occurred to me about two years before getting serious about writing my first book, “Life in Katie’s Shoes.” It was not a strong feeling of, “You can be an author!” It was a simple, “you need to tell this story.” So, in 2019, I just started writing. When around 20,000 words, I was thinking, “this is hard.” However, I kept going because I had a desire to tell this story. I found myself at 64,000 words and then decided, “Well, I guess this makes me a book author.”

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I think it is easy to become hard on yourself because you want something so bad. Early on, I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to “do it right.” However, I have learned that there is no right way, there is only the way that is right for you. Today, I am simply enjoying creating and writing stories that my mind finds fascinating and intrigued in. I am putting in the work to grow my networks and also improve my processes.  

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Find a topic you are interested in and start writing. It does not have to be perfect; one just needs to start formulating thoughts and brainstorming. Also, take note of your surroundings and begin molding those into ideas. For me, both of those are how I have led to really good ideas. It is easy to get caught up in your head. My best advice on this, is do not forget that writing is supposed to be enjoyable. Don’t force it if you are not feeling the flow. Do keep an inspiration notebook with you at all times.  

Tell us about your book/books:

I currently have one book published, “Life in Katie’s Shoes.” This book begins through the eyes of a 6-year-old navigating her way through her parent’s divorce, a parent’s addiction issue, and the everyday obstacles a child faces until the age of eighteen. I wrote this book to provide a story for others who have faced similar hardships in their lives and have not had the opportunity to have a realistic character to relate to. It is one thing to have a book telling you, step-by-step directions on how to heal. But, in my opinion, it is easier to heal when one knows they are not alone and has someone or something to relate to, to help their own healing paths.

I am also working on a speculative fiction book. I hope to have that completed within a year.  

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I recently started to grow my writing community. For both communities, I love the passion that seems to glow from them both.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

First, thank you for supporting my writing by choosing to read my writing works, which includes my blog. Also, I am still growing my network. If there is something you honestly find interesting that I have written or content I have created, please share. I believe others help a person on the journey they are embarking on.   

Where can people connect with you?

Website: www.authordanaedecker.com

Twitter: @danae_decker

IG: @authordanaedecker

FB: @authordanaedecker

YouTube: Danae Decker – Author and Blogger


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