Book review - Liar by Nicola Lowe

Book - Liar

Author - Nicola Lowe

Rating -


Imagine working in a job that allows you to help show kindness and love to those nearing their time to pass from this life to whatever awaits them, a job that is going to see your emotions constantly being drained and an impact on your everyday life is undoubted.  Amber, a young lady who lives this life, has no want for romance, dating, drinking or any of the other things many her age would consider to be normal wants and desires.  When one day a new employee enters her working life and she finds herself drawn to him, Amber finds herself suddenly having those wants starting to become unlocked but something seems too familiar about him and the way he speaks as if they have known each other for many years.

Suddenly Amber finds herself with another male suitor who she simply can't get out of her head but how can her life change so quickly?  Amber finds her life seem to spiral out of control but with one central point keeping her tied to reality, her heart and its wants.

This is a superbly written piece of work that really does work beautifully and feels very unlike anything previously offered from this author, yet feels of the same amazing standard that we have come to find with her work.  The book has twists and turns that you don't see coming and is one of those works you find yourself reading through no matter the time or how tired you are as it draws you in and makes you desperate to know what comes next.


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