My Dream Interview with Ceri from Read and Review It

Welcome, first of all please tell us about yourself & your blog

Hi! I’m Ceri from Read And Review It, a full time student blogging about all things book related, from reviews to interviews to recommendations to tags and everything in between. I’ve had a passion for reading and writing for as long as I can remember, and to pursue this I’m going to be starting a Creative Writing degree in come September. I’ve been blogging for nearly a year now, which feels crazy to say! My aim is for my blog to be a one stop shop for all your bookish content.


Who have you chosen as the person who you'd consider your dream interview (you are interviewing them)

I’ve thought about this a lot, and I’m going to go for Holly Jackson! She’s up there with my favorite authors of all time, and it would be an honor to even dream of speaking to her.


The interviewee is running behind schedule & so they only have time for 5 questions, what are your 5 you choose to ask?

1)     In a sentence, how would you sum up A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder?

2)     Which book in the AGGGTM trilogy was your favorite to writer - A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, Good Girl, Bad Blood or As Good As Dead?

3)     Who’s your biggest writing inspiration?

4)     If you could meet the characters from AGGGTM, what would you say to them? Do you think you’d get on?

5)     Do you have any plans for future books? If so, can you tell us a bit about them?


The interviewee makes mention that they have seen your blog, what could they say that would mean the world to you?

Honestly, literally any positive feedback about my blog always means the world to me! That being said, a comment about my writing style always hits differently, and it would mean even more coming from one of my biggest inspirations as a writer.


Where can people connect with you and check out your blog?

You can find my blog at Alternatively, you can check out my twitter account (readandreviewit (@readandreviewit) / Twitter) and my goodreads (Ceri (ReadAndReviewIt) - The United Kingdom (167 books) | Goodreads).


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