My Afternoon Tea with Aleksandra Tryniecka

My Afternoon Tea with Aleksandra Tryniecka (the authoress) and Bunky (the protagonist of my novel "Bunky and the Walms")

What kind of a place are you going for your afternoon tea?

I usually have my afternoon tea in my kitchen! Bunky and I love decorating the kitchen with balloons and we always celebrate a special occasion - after all, every day is a special occasion! We also have our favourite CD with the songs from 20s and 30s and they create the perfect atmosphere for the afternoon tea. 

Who have you got with you for your afternoon tea?

Usually it is Bunky, the Bunky Princess, and my Mum. :)

You have a pick of sandwiches, what have you chosen?

Aw! Can we have some delicious sandwiches with cheese, tuna and olive oils?

You are now moving on to the cakes, which ones have you picked?
Naturally, I took away all the available chocolate cakes and... placed them on my kitchen table! :-) If they are with hazelnuts or cherries - that is even better and more bunkyful! :-) ("Bunkyful" is the word borrowed from my protagonist, Bunky. It signifies something delightful and wonderful!)

Now, we always hear about authors loving coffee but which drink have you chosen for your afternoon tea?

I love tea and I choose tea. I have never drunk coffee in my life! :-) 

You've had a great afternoon tea but on your way home decide to go into a bookshop, which section are you going to and how many books are you realistically going to end up leaving with?

I would gladly visit children's book section and pick up two or three titles! Then, I would like to see the nineteeth century section and I would definitely look for Wilkie Collins and Anthony Trollope.


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