Miriam Van Scott interview


A little introduction:

I'm Miriam Van Scott, author of Encyclopedia of Hell and Encyclopedia of Heaven (Macmillan),the horror novel Bandun Gate (Dark Stroke), and contributor to The History Channel, SyFy, Paramount Entertainment, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Gannett, The Learning Channel and other media.

When did your love of books begin?

I got hooked on reading as a kid via creepy short stories from authors like Ray Bradbury and Edgar Allan Poe, and then as a teen I absolutely devoured Twilight Zone Magazine. I would read my favorite pieces over and over again, and for the ones I didn't like, I'd come up with my own 'alternate endings.'

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I honestly don't remember even wanting to be anything OTHER than a writer. Even in junior high I was working on the school newspaper and penning articles for the yearbook.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

I started under the 'old system' of local newspapers, submitting stories to agents or publishers through the mail, etc. In some ways it was easier then because there wasn't the massive competition that exists now with online publications and blogs where basically anyone who has access to a computer is a 'writer.' But in some ways it was more difficult and definitely more time consuming because the average wait to hear back on a manuscript was several months. It also cost much more just to submit work; it had to be printed on paper, you had to pay postage to wherever you were sending it and include a post-paid envelope so your materials could be returned to you. At least online submissions are free!

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I would advise anyone wanting to be an author to know what you're getting into --- it's a great profession but for most writers it's not glamorous or lucrative. In the movies authors all live in mansions and go on paid book tours with publishers footing the bill; in real life the average author makes less than $10,000 a year writing, and any publicity or marketing for your works you're required to do on your own dime. That being said, being an author can be incredibly interesting and personally rewarding profession. Learn the basics, read quality literature every day, make writing a priority and you'll do fine.

Tell us about your book/books:

My first books, Encyclopedia of Hell and Encyclopedia of Heaven, were reference works about depictions of the underworld from various religions, myths, artworks, literature, pop culture sources, etc. I'd come across lots of far-flung concepts of the afterlife through my reading and wished there was a way to track and cross-check the disparate ideas; there were no such reference books so I wrote them. My novel Bandun Gate is a semi-fiction story about how some of the sources I used for Encyclopedia of Hell - like an exorcist, a cult member, a practicing Satanist - helped me battle evil preternatural forces. It's set in Charleston, South Carolina and is based on real-life killers and documented ghost encounters.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

My favorite part of writing is interacting - which includes doing research and discussing ideas and concepts with other readers and writers. Everyone has a story to tell or a unique take on the world and exchanging these can be fascinating. I'm always learning something new.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I would say THANK YOU for giving me your time! There are lots of options out there, and I'm always thrilled and humbled when a person chooses to spend part of their day reading my words. Seriously. Plus, if I might I add, 'if you like a book, please leave a REVIEW for it on Amazon!' That goes for any book, not just mine --- reviews are the lifeblood that lift a book's profile, and the more the better.

Where can people connect with you?

People can follow me on Twitter @miriamvs or at my website miriamvanscott.com or through my Amazon Author Page


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