Maximilian Sam interview


A little introduction:

Max has had a long career in PR around the World. He has, so far, lived in 10 different countries across Europe, The Middle East and South East Asia.

Max has always seemed to be able to attract stray animals wherever he goes, possibly because they understand he's a stray too. He has always had a deep love of dogs having grown up in England surrounded by his rough collies.

Max is also a mad sports fan with a lifelong addiction to Saracens rugby and a long-suffering attachment to Watford Football Club.

When did your love of books begin?

Great question. My parents both read to me from a very young age so I think it's always been there. I do remember having a birthday party when I was very young where an author came along and read us her book and did a puppet show. The book was called Bandicoot and His Friends by Violet Philpott. I still had the signed copy she gave me until very recently.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I was about 8 so it's taken a long time!

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

How have you found the process for becoming an author? - Writing was the easy bit! The publishing process is difficult for a new author to navigate, but I'm glad I followed the path I did as I learned a huge amount.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Follow the dream. Dreams do come true.

Tell us about your book/books:

"It's A Stray Dog's Life" is based on the lives of three of the strays I look after. It sees life through their eyes. I wanted to write something for children wanting more than a picture book but not yet ready for the Harry Potter world. More importantly, though, I wanted to say thank you to my dogs! The pandemic also helped as it gave me time to build up a library. The second "Stray Dogs" book is ready for my final edit and a book of adult short stories is currently going through the cover design stage. A touch worrying now I've started I don't seem to be able to stop!

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

It's amazingly welcoming. There's no competition. Everyone just wants each other to succeed. The advice and new friends I've made have helped keep me vaguely sane!

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Please leave reviews for as many books as you can (not just mine) as it really helps authors and certainly picks us up when we're feeling low and have run out of coffee.

Where can people connect with you?

Facebook @authormaximiliansam Instagram @authormaximiliansam Twitter @maxsamauthor My blog is also on my website and, up to now, has a new posting every 2 weeks


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