Jennifer Wile interview


When did your love of books begin?

When I was little. At first I wasn’t really into reading but then I found these books about horses. The Thoroughbred series. I kept reading those, then more. It just took the right book to get me going.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

Hmmm that’s a good question. I was constantly writing stories in note books. Friends would come over, we would be sitting on the trampoline and I would be writing. It wasn’t something I thought about originally. I figured I probably wouldn’t get to that level. But during a summer student job, where they literally had no more work for me to do, I had to look busy….so I started typing up a story on word. I sent it to a pen pal, at the time, who loved it! She wanted me to complete the book. At the time I was hesitant, because I didn’t want the story to end. But, I gave in. She then told me I should publish it! Since then I’ve been dreaming about it and finding out about the process.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

An unexpected rollercoaster. You write this amazing story, one you believe in, and want to share with the reading world (and let’s be honest, hopefully Hollywood too), but there’s more to it than that. You need to be able to get it edited, polished. You need to sum up your work of 100,000 words, or more, into 300 for a synopsis. Then you need a query letter. But your query letter isn’t a standard form. No. There’s a formula to it, and like a cover letter it needs to be different for each agent.

Agents, there are a lot of agents that work in your genes, but they may not like your sub genes or their personality might not work for you to collaborate with. So, you need to research all the agents, make a list of those you hope will say “yes!”

I joined a writing group, that has been great for information on the process of becoming published. They also recommend getting a platform, like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Something I hadn’t thought of before, but have been updating since.

Basically, there is far more to becoming an author than just writing your masterpiece. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Enjoy your writing, your characters. 

Also know there is more to it than just writing. There’s an entire business side you need to learn about, before, you take too big of a leap.

Tell us about your book/books:

My books are a paranormal romance series. I am still working on finding the agent to get to publish them.

The Warriors of Shadow, are an ancient brotherhood, originally meant to protect immortals while fostering good relationships with mortals. But as time changed and magic became hidden, the Warriors themselves were betrayed. Since then, they have gone off to their respective immortal races. Dragons, Mages, Vampires, Lycans, Angels and Unicorns.

Mysterious Immortals (working Title), takes you into the vampire world. A mortal is thrown into their world that does more than claim the heart of one of the hot vampires. She makes one of the ancients realize that although it was a vampire who betrayed the Warriors, it was time to swallow their embarrassment, and reunite the Shadows again.

Full of action and, of course, some steamy romance. 

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

‘Wow’ is the first word that comes to mind. I had no idea such communities existed! Everyone is so talented! I will host writerslifts, where I respond to Everyone who posts on them, also follow too. And every time I host one, I’m so shocked and amazed by what people are working on! There are blogs, books, scripts, poems, music, art….it’s one of my favourite things to do.

Also, others will pose questions, or answers to questions. Everyone is supportive, and it really does feel like all the writers, and creators, are part of a huge group. One where we all hope everyone finds that dream agent, and everyone gets that amazing, career making, book deal.

As for the readers community, same thing. Everyone wants to have new books, new stories, new adventures. They want to know what you are working on and how to support you. I hope to deal more with this community as a whole.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I sincerely hope you enjoy the characters and their story. That you get to experience every rush and every tempting heart beat with them. When you pick up my books, you pick up and explore a whole new world…a world you fantasize was in your own ‘backyard.’

Where can people connect with you?

I’m on different platforms
Twitter: @JenniferWile
Facebook: AuthorJenniferWile
Instagram: AuthorJenniferWile


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