Feed My Reads at 6 Months Old with Helen Pugh

Feed My Reads recently turned 6 months old and as we are all about those in our community who make the place great we had to reach out to you and make sure our community members know of all those great people they can get to know here and so here are some questions for you.

When did you decide to join our Feed My Reads community?

Fairly soon after it started I think.

What made you join our Feed My Reads community?

To promote my books and connect with other writers and readers. 

What do you enjoy about being a part of the Feed My Reads community?

It's very supportive of us indie authors!

Has Feed My Reads helped you in your author journey at all?

I've probably had some sales from the retweets etc. 

Have you met any people you've formed close bonds with through the Feed My Reads community?

No but then I don't think I have close bonds to many people online really! 

If you could tell people what the Feed My Reads community it all about and why they should join us then what would it be?

That it's a great way to get free promotion, share book reviews etc.

How can those in the Feed My Reads community connect with you?



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