Book review - Andean Storm / Contarhuacho / Mama Sarpay (Intrepid Dudettes) by Helen Pugh

Book - Andean Storm / Contarhuacho / Mama Sarpay (Intrepid Dudettes)

Author - Helen Pugh

Rating - 


Having now read a few things by Helen Pugh I decided that I would try out this work which includes 3 separate stories.

Andean Storm is a little bit of history around the uprising against the Spanish invaders who were set on taking Peru for their own but Micaela Bastidas Puyucawa and her husband Tupac Amaru II set out to defend their lands and bring their people together to stop the invaders from succeeding.  How did the uprising end?  What do we know of the couple who helped to lead the uprising?

Contarhuacho is a short biography of the person by the same name and is focused on the study of her life and just how much importance females have been in history so that we can bring life to their impact, which for too long has gone unnoticed.

Mama Sarpay is a short extract from the main piece which appears in Intrepid Dudettes and gives the reader a taster of what to expect from the main book.

The stories are all once again very well written and deliver for the reader, which is what I have found with the previous work I have read by this author.  Her focus on telling the history with honesty and truth is admirable and the pieces are done in a way that ensures they don't come across as intimidating for those who may not have read these kind of works previously.

I loved all of the work but found Contarhuacho slightly less of the 'draws you in' style I have found in the other pieces.


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