Arivalter Bahyão interview


*Please note this is translated from Portuguese.

When did your love of books begin?

At the age of eleven, inspired by comic books and western books, I created my own magazine, REVIBOLSO, fully handwritten and put 'the sale in newsstands. This, in the City of Maragojipe, State of Bahia. Brazil. On this occasion, I created characters, such as superheroes and their stories.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

The impression that I have and that, already in that e'poca aroused in me this interest. Since my teachers read my meetings and encouraged me to continue creating. I then took a journalism course by correspondence, which helped me a lot in the development of newsrooms.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

A friend, who also wrote, introduced me to a director of EDITORA CONTEMP,  Mr. Luiz Ademir. He asked me to prepare some material for a book. I gathered what I had prepared until then and my first Book came out. CRIES OF THE FLESH, Tales and Crönicas. Published nationally in 1974.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

If you have the vocation, let them prepare themselves, in terms of knowledge of the language and begin to create. Imagine that there are many people in the world in need of the comfort of their writings!

Tell us about your book/books:

After CRIES OF THE FLESH, I published ORGANIZED PROSTITUTION. This book featured two tales onfronting me'all of women's grooming for prostitution in the 1940s and present days. It came, then PATHS, In Verses and Crönicas, 1984 (with reissue in 2014). It tells, in verses, the moment of the farewell of a young man who leaves the house of his parents to live on his own and the messages of his father preparing him for the ways and his obstacles. Then I published The SHEPHERD, Shudder Convictions. Romance telling the path of a boy who almost declared himself an atheist, ate' torenar himself pastor evange'lico, with programs on TV stations.  In three tales about real life. I published, also'm, A ESTRANHA HISTO'RIA DE LISE, Depression Po's-parto. Where a psychiatrist against her autobiography enveloesing this kind of depression, stemming from an unwanted pregnancy.
I am currently developing a new project, for which  I am in need of help to publish, with ti'tulo, O NU'MERO DOS ESCOLHIDOS. It is a novel based on quotes from the Bible.
My books can be purchased directly with me via phone 55 71987783334, by my email. (By these two paths the price goes much more into account.), the or the site

Where can people connect with you?

Through phone above, email or twitter. @retlavira


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