Rachael Shaw interview


A little introduction:

My name is Rachael, I am 24 years old. Born and live in Sheffield UK.

When did your love of books begin?

To tell the truth I was not a big reader until I turned 18, that is when I became obsessed with reading and I would read a series of books within a week.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I have wanted to be an author for so long. I would write my own little random stories when I was younger and I loved it, I would write so many. I still have a load of the stories I wrote. I suppose it took me so long to actually write a book I wanted published because I never thought I was good enough to be an author.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It has been very long and very confusing but also extremely exciting and brilliant. I am still finding my way because I am still new to the whole thing but I am learning and it feels great.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I would say to go for it because you aren't losing anything but you can gain so much. Plus you should always go for what you want!

Tell us about your book/books:

I have one book out at the moment with another on the way. My book Something beyond the pages: A world that is hidden is a young-adult fantasy about a young girl named Adalyn who gets handing a book from a woman called Mrs read who turn out to be much more than a bookshop owner and that book isn't just any book but the entrance to a magical world in which Adalyn has to save,  when the people living in the magical world begin to go missing. There are lots of twits and turns through out and a lot of lovable characters, especially one named Gertie who helps and makes friends with Adalyn when she needs it the most.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love how supportive every one is, even people you have never met or spoken with, they all want to help you and it means soooo much.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

I would say thank you so much for being part of my author journey, people who read my book don't realise how grateful i am and I just hope I have delivered an interesting read.

Where can people connect with you?

I have a
Twitter- Rachiiieshaw 
Instagram- Rachiiiieshaw
Facebook page- Rachael Shaw
I try to post as often as I can and I always keep everyone updated.


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