K.R. Rainbolt interview


A little introduction:

Hey all! My pen name is K. R. Rainbolt, though you can call me Kennady if you prefer! I was born and raised in the Wyoming rocky mountains, and there isn’t much I love more than being able to sit outside and enjoy the constant 70 MPH winds… Jokes, of course. I love cake and all things sweet, and I may have a very minor obsession with suits, but who doesn’t love a good waistcoat, right? A few fun facts about me: 1) I hold a 170 average in bowling! 2) I’m a Chemical Engineer, so I get to spend my time (when I’m not writing) being a mad scientist! 3) I love a good spooky movie! 

I think that’s it for the intro!

When did your love of books begin?

I have been reading pretty much from the moment I COULD read, and I’ve been crafting stories just as long. It’s hard to put an exact time on it!

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I didn’t start actively thinking about it until a few years back, but I’ve been making stories for forever! I think it’s always been in the back of my mind, just not something that I thought I could ever do!

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

So far it’s been pretty smooth sailing, but I haven’t really hit much of the nitty gritty yet, I don’t think! I’m just starting the process of looking for a professional editor, and building a social media presence, so I have a long way before I actually get to see my novel on a shelf somewhere! 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Write. Even when you don’t feel like writing, just get a few words down, or edit a paragraph. Practice makes perfect is a worn-out phrase that fits writing almost too perfectly. Just keep going, your style will build off your practice, and soon you’ll forget why you ever thought you couldn’t do it! 

Tell us about your book/books:

I have several WIPs, and I could talk about those for ages… But I’ll stick with my debut novel for sake of time and word count! I have finally finalized a name, and I’m happy to share that here with you all! I’m rather terrible at short descriptions (with the novel sitting at 200k words I guess it only makes sense lol), so here’s the blurb instead!

Of Glass and Lavender - The Ascension Rising Duet, is a paranormal reverse harem romance that follows Aaliyah, a young woman with a rather tedious affliction. She can’t stop dying. 


They say the closer you come to death, the more in tune you are with life. I’d just like to say that those people have never died before… Because the moment you die? 

Is the moment death decides to keep you. 

My name is Aaliyah, and I’m in a race against time to figure a way to outrun death, and pick up the pieces of a life that I don’t remember, one memory at a time. 

Luckily, I’m not alone. I have my best friend, a snarky Ghost with a habit of making my heart skip beats. My sister by choice, a Siren with a wicked protective instinct, her husbands, Witch and Dragon extraordinaires, and their adorable son who is way too cute for his own good. 

And also maybejust maybe, a Vampire Crypt with four of the most jaw droppingly handsome men I have ever met, that may or may not have also bought me at an auction? 

Yeah, still sorting through that one. 

Can I unravel how to stay alive, escape the group that killed me in the first place, and not fall head over heels for the walking embodiments of sin that I find myself living with? Probably not. But what else am I going to do, die trying?

Wouldn’t be the first time.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

The kindness of everyone that I’ve met. I truly can’t speak of another group of people that is this open, helpful and all around good. They’re always here to help pick people up, and give words of encouragement. The question is hard to answer, because honestly, what don’t I love about everyone in the reading and writing communities?

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Though I don’t have many right now (looking at you, early betas/family and friends), I’d like to say thank you for always believing in me. You’re what’s kept me going!

Where can people connect with you?

I have a few ways at this point! Here are the links!

Twitter: @KennadyRainbolt

Instagram: k.r.rainbolt

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/K.R.Rainbolt


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