Main Character Interview with Hermione Laake - THE SILVER RAGUSAURUS

Please tell us about the book and the character who is being interviewed.

Book: THE SILVER RAGUSAURUS a crossover children’s story  by Hermione Laake out now on Kindle as an e-book:

CHARACTER: SILVER: Adopted baby ragusaurus

SILVER is a baby ragusaurus. His mother gave him up for adoption when he was just a newborn.

How did it feel to be given a leading role in this book?

I am just a child. I was a newborn when it happened. I had no choice in the matter, and neither did my mother.

Obviously to us this was a tale but for you it was something you actually went through, how did you find the journey we read about?

Well, at first it was fun. Mother came with me, and she taught me to catch fish and turn into stone. But after she left me, I felt terrible. I felt alone. Even when the boy was looking after me, because he couldn’t be there all the time. Once I ran away. I was so desperate.

If you could do the journey over again would you have done anything differently?

No. I learnt to forgive. I learnt to accept myself. I learnt to fly all by myself. I made some good friends.  It was worth it.

A lot of people would love to know what's next for you?

That depends on whether people read my book. If they wrote to me, I might answer. Who knows. Mum is expecting a new baby. Anything could happen with our family history.

How was it working with the author of your book?

I took over, of course.

Where can we purchase your book?

Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too.

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