Main Character Interview with Guy Gardner and The Mirror Game

Please tell us about the book and the character who is being interviewed.

Book - The Mirror Game

London 1925.

When Adrian Harcourt, a politician and captain in the army believed dead with his company on the battlefield of Flanders, is sighted looking like he’s been living rough, Harry Lark, a war veteran and journalist, is enlisted by his friend and benefactor Lady Carlise to investigate.

As he becomes drawn further into the case and the deaths mount up, he can see that things don’t add up. Where has Adrian been for so many years? Why can’t he remember parts of his past?

Looking further into Adrian’s previous life, even as his own dark past and addiction to laudanum threatens to overwhelm him, Harry begins to fall for Lady Carlise’s beautiful daughter Freddy, who was also Adrian’s fiancĂ©.

Chasing the leads as they continue to unravel, can Harry solve the mystery behind what really happened to Adrian before it’s too late?

How did it feel to be given a leading role in this book?

I was a overwhelmed at first. You'll know by now that I was addicted to laudanum and I drank quite a lot. I suppose, as journalist it went with the territory, but if I'm honest it wasn't just that. I didn't feel at home anywhere or with anyone  and that eats at a fellow. So I was releluctant to be in the story  but then of course I met Freddy  and she turned my world upside down.

Obviously to us this was a tale but for you it was something you actually went through, how did you find the journey we read about?

It was a hard journey, but without it I would have been stuck in the trenches forever, in my mind  just like some of those other poor devils.

If you could do the journey over again would you have done anything differently?

If I did anything differently I might not have survived, or met the people I now call family. But, if I could have done it without the use of laudanum I would have. I feel like I wasted a lot of time with that.

A lot of people would love to know what's next for you?

I feel I have had more happiness, and luck than a chap has a right to. I survived one war and, well, you'll have to read about the rest. I would like to live out my life quietly, but as the world may turn to a second world war this seems unlikely.

If you could say anything to the people who read about you in this book what would it be?

I hope you enjoy my story, keep your loved ones safe and find something you love doing. You don't need more.

How was it working with the author of your book?

Guy is a decent fellow. He wasn't sure what to make of me at first, and he didn't always listen to begin with. Later we got on just fine and we spent some long nights together. 

Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too.

Blogs, music, freebies and of course my new novel!


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