Main Character Interview with Gary Kruse and the Badlands

Please tell us about the book and the character who is being interviewed.

The character being interviewed is Willow, the main character in my dark suspense novel, Badlands, which is available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and Paperback here

Set in and around St. Agnes in North Cornwall, it’s the story of Megan “Willow” Rae, a wounded runaway who returns home after getting a cryptic message that she thinks is from her sister, Ellie. As she digs into Ellie’s life, she finds out that Ellie is involved in a local scandal, and to get to the truth of that scandal, Willow will have to face the darkness at the heart of the Badlands.

How did it feel to be given a leading role in this book?

Willow: A relief actually. I’d been screaming for attention for years because I knew I’d only ever find peace if I could actually tell my side of the story. I know I’m not perfect, and God knows there’s tons of things I’ve done that I regret, but I had my reasons and I wanted to put the record straight about Ellie, Goddard and that bitch calling herself Raven.

Obviously to us this was a tale but for you it was something you actually went through, how did you find the journey we read about?

Willow: When I look back now I remember those few days and weeks as an emotional blur, a period of enormous upheaval and chaos. The journey home from Australia was a nightmare, involving three stops and more than once I thought the authorities were going to throw me in some dank prison somewhere never to be seen again, and then when I got home and found out what Ellie had gotten herself into, I thought things couldn’t get any worse. But Goddard… Raven… they showed me how wrong I was, how much deeper into hell they could drag me.

If you could do the journey over again would you have done anything differently?

Willow: On that day when I ran away from home, I’d make sure that this time, Ellie came with me and not stay back to look after him.

A lot of people would love to know what's next for you?

Willow: So would I! Right now, I’m recovering, processing, dealing with all the crap I went through. And then… who knows, but I can feel the wanderlust calling again. 

If you could say anything to the people who read about you in this book what would it be?

Willow: Thanks for reading my story and I hope that, at the end, you at least can forgive me, because even now, I can’t forgive myself. 

How was it working with the author of your book?

Willow: He was a nightmare. Ignored me for years, tried to put me in someone else’s story and then when he did finally tell the right story, he kept going off into dead ends. So there was quite a lot of pouting and sulking and refusing to do what he wanted me to do until he finally learned his lesson and wrote the story as it happened. When he did that, we got along fine. And he didn’t do a bad job in the end. 

Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too.

Badlands is live now on amazon:
You can find links to the rest of my work, and catch up on my blog on my website:
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