Jo Austin interview


A little introduction:

Hi, I am an author and foster mum of many, (child number 21 living permanently with me now). I’m also a mum, nanny and a nurse. I love dogs. I breed and own Shetland Sheepdogs. I also love and own VW camper vans. As a foster mum I care for younger sick &/or disabled children.

When did your love of books begin?

I’ve always loved books but never felt brave enough to ask for more time to read, or write, due to a rather challenging childhood. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I started to write my first book in earnest in the year 2000 while very poorly with mental health illness. I had originally started it in 1996 after the birth of my 3rd child. But I was hugely affected by a negative role model in my own mother. I never felt good enough, so I didn’t publish that first book for another 10 years. I had low self-worth. I really wanted to be recognised for my writing but always believed that I was inadequate, in all areas of my life. Once I recovered from mental health illness as a young mum and addressed negative relationships my courage, bravery and confidence soared.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

With my second book I have had the best experience on my publishing journey. With a different publishing agency, who offered tremendous support and encouragement, I have felt more worthy of the title of ‘author’ and respected as an individual and professional. I also worked with a writing mentor and the whole process has helped to increase my confidence and self-esteem further. Sometimes, with much to do and learn, it has been a little overwhelming as I have another profession, but I have been so well supported so, especially with time frames, I never felt pressured. It has also been a very welcome distraction from the challenging nature of my other work and has been therapeutic for me. It has been my ‘self-care’. 

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

I would say that sometimes in life, we must be brave and attempt something we may fear. I would add that life is an ever-changing journey and that we should all take more chances and grab any opportunities along the route that appeal to us personally. What have you got to lose? Many people have great stories with them that need to be released and shared. Be brave, be bold, take that chance.

Tell us about your book/books:

My first book is Walking with Love and Autism. It describes my family journey raising my now adult son who has autism, ADHD and learning difficulties. It reflects on the challenges that are presented when a family has a child with additional needs. While my sons story discusses many low moments and periods of great frustration, his story is ultimately hopeful and inspiring. My son is a true gentleman now as an adult and father.

My second book, published by SilverWood Publishers and released on 4th February 2022 is called Tug of Love. This book is an emotive memoir of my own life journey so far. The narrative adds to current discussions around mental health, particularly in young people and provides an insight into living with OCD and caring for a child with additional needs.

My 3rd book, now underway, is called My Journey with an Angel. This book is about the truly remarkable relationship I shared with my late dog, a Shetland Sheepdog, aptly named, Angel. She was my soul mate, my heart dog and most importantly, my guardian angel. Sometimes our pets, especially if we have been affected by negative human relationships, can be extremely healing as their love is unconditional. This was my experience. Angel carried me through some of the darkest times and celebrated with me on some of the most exciting ones. Her death, in March last year, was as traumatic for me as when my father died. She deserves to be recognised as the saviour that she was. Her passing and the intense emotions it provoked prompted me to begin her story.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

To be perfectly honest I’m new to all this. I am coming to this later in life and learning about new technology daily. What I’ve found already though, and what I love, is that there is such a great welcome, so much enthusiasm for creative flare, no matter what the genre. I love the feeling of inclusion and the encouragement from others. It’s a very positive experience.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

To my readers I would say that I wrote my books for my readers. I wrote them to help others. I write for people who may like to read about real life stories, especially when they give others hope. My stories show that others have grown from challenging beginnings and overcome adversity to become comfortable in themselves, accepting of their lives and happy, healthy individuals. Mostly I’d say, if any of my books help one other person then I will consider them a job well done. 

Where can people connect with you?

I am on Facebook as Jo Austin and Jo Austin Author

My website is

Instagram jo.austin.1238

Twitter @joaustin65


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