Christopher Henry Thomas interview 2


First of all welcome back for another interview with Feed My Reads as our community really do appreciate you taking the time to do this.

It is my pleasure to take the time to do this. I would like as many readers as possible to get to know more about me, my story, and what I have overcome in life. Thank you for creating these wonderful interviews.

So, our first question is who is your writing hero?

This is such a hard question for me to answer. My life has been influenced by so many different writers and styles. Stephen King, of course, is a writing hero of mine, as well as Lee Child, and James Patterson. But I have also loved reading Sun Tzu and Leo Tolstoy, not that I understood all of what they wrote. 

Which book or books would you say influenced you the most on your writing journey?

Many books have influenced my writing, but only a few have influenced me to become a better person and writer. The AA Big Book and the Bible helped me with that. Then there is Stephen King’s On Writing along with both The Jack Reacher, and Alex Cross series. Reading books like those made me want to write suspenseful twists and turns into my books. And those characters inspire me. But I choose to group my suspense and thrills with comedy rather than horror. Although, there is some terror in my writing.

If you could choose one book by someone else that you wish you had written then which would it be and why?

I would like to be the one who wrote the AA Big Book because it saved so many lives like mine. It also went on to inspire the writing and publishing of so many more life changing books like the Narcotics Anonymous Basic Text, twelve and twelve and many more.

I know that because I write fiction, some fans are going to be looking for a different response to this question. For those fans I would have to say, the honor of writing Killing Floor and what that book has gone on to achieve would have been thrilling. I can only hope for the same type of success for my debut novel and hope that my story may inspire others that suffer from the same disease as me.

Who have been your biggest supporters during your writing career to date and what would you like to say to them?

To date my biggest supporters have been my family. Debbie, Jeff, and Jeffrey Thomas Jr. Karen Hinton who is like a second mom. Then there is my best friend and brother Jeff Shoup, and My editor Frank Sabina who have been amazing as well as the Recovery Community and the Writing Community. There are so many people I must thank for getting me here today. I tried naming everyone in my acknowledgements, but it was well over a page. Counselors that have helped me through some of my darkest moments (Tierney, Jeff, Ashley, Ari, Big Mike). All I can truly say to everyone is that I am forever thankful for each and every one of you. I am eternally grateful for all of your help, guidance, and belief that I would find my way. Thank you and I Love you all.

We all know how important reviews are to authors so if you could speak directly to them what would you say about reviewing books they read?

I would say that if you enjoy a story that someone has taken a year or more of their life to create for your enjoyment, please leave a small review to let the writer know that their work touched you in some way. We all want to know that we have helped another person. Whether it is through a smile, a laugh, or a whole entire world to escape to. We are only trying to give you things we seek ourselves in the hopes that you will enjoy it. If you do, drop some kind words. They always go a very long way. Thank you again for reaching out with these wonderful interviews and new ideas.

Sincerely, Christopher Henry Thomas, Author of The Adventures of Kushman and Savage. 


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