Bridgette L. Collins interview


A little introduction:

Happy New Year, Everyone! My name is Bridgette L. Collins. I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I lived in the Dallas, Texas area for nearly 20 years, and now I'm back living in the Houston area. My hobbies include reading, visiting historical museums when I’m traveling, experimenting with cooking healthy meals, working out at the gym, and training for and participating in marathon race events. As I’m moving around interacting with people I meet on my various journeys, I use the experiences to enhance my writings.

When did your love of books begin?

My love with reading books began in my young adulthood. I fell in love with all books by John Grisham. Early on in my human resources (HR) career I pursued resources that would help me enhance my business and leadership skills, so I then fell in love with books by Stephen R. Covey and John C. Maxwell. As an HR professional, I was always tasked with writing. Developing or revising human resources manuals, policies, and procedures. Writing extensive investigative reports. Writing staff and organizational performance documents. But it would be later in my life that I would develop a love for writing books. After becoming a personal trainer and running coach (my side hustle), I developed a love for writing novel-like self-help books filled with stories about overcoming the challenges to live healthier: mind, body, and soul.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I didn’t start out with a wish to become an author. In the late 1990’s, because of my struggle with weight management, I began to focus my attention on eating healthier and exercising.  I was around twenty-nine at the time and it was a supervisor who exposed me to the thought of running. One thing led to another with the development and implementation of my healthy living plan, and I would become a marathon runner, and eventually became a fitness coach/certified personal trainer. My dad said to me one day, “Since you’re so into the fitness stuff you should write a book”. At the time, my image of an author was who was a celebrity figure, educator, politician, wealthy (inclusive of someone who was famous). But, as the years progressed, I would embrace the idea of writing a book because I had met countless people who were unhappy with their health and fitness, and I wanted to help them in an expanded way to move forward with developing creative strategies for living healthier mind, body, and soul amid their circumstances. In 2007, I published my first of three books focused on healthy living, “Imagine Living Healthier: Mind, Body, and Soul” (2007),Destined to Live Healthier: Mind, Body, and Soul” (2008), and “Broken In Plain Sight: A Story of Truth, Healing, and Love” (2012). All three books have inspired and empowered many through the collection of fictional stories that tell of real-life challenges with weight, health, work, relationships, and a lack of self-love. Now, I’m excited about my most recent book, "Yes! I Am Fed Up. Now What? 4 Self-Driven to MOVE Your Well-being and Work Forward".

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

The process for becoming and being an author is easier than when I published my first book in 2007. Especially with the array of writing resources/platforms and the availability of social media to spread the word about your book. When I thought about becoming an author in 2005, I looked for a writer’s workshop because I didn’t know or understand the first thing about writing a book. The first event I attended was a writer’s conference held in Dallas, Texas, in 2006. I learned about writing and publishing from the conference’s workshops and seminars. I learned about publishing consultants, editors, publicists, typesetters, distributors, and website designers. I later attended the same conference in 2008 in Tampa, Florida, meeting with authors I’d met at the 2006 conference.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Research. Research. Research. When you have a thought or dream about doing something new or different like becoming an author, one of the first things you should do is research. Look for related books, seminars, conferences, podcasts, special interest groups, and educational institutions to become knowledgeable about what’s necessary (i.e., building your writing skills, mastering your author skills, understanding the publishing business, etc.) to facilitate your dream becoming a reality.

Tell us about your book/books:

My new book, "Yes! I Am Fed Up. Now What? 4 Self-Driven to MOVE Your Well-being and Work Forward", lays the groundwork for the reader to analyze the root cause, the underlying factors, of their fed-up state. The goal is to provoke consciousness and inspire the reader to ask the question, “Now What?”. And then move forward with creating an action plan to respond to their “Now What?”.

Quick Question. Have you ever been FED UP with someone or something in your personal or professional life? Maybe you didn’t say FED UP… maybe you said I’m frustrated with or tired of. The fact is that if you’re not conscious of or deliberate in your move from that state of being, you’ll find yourself stuck right there on FED UP, frustrated with or tired of, which will impact your ability to BE the best version of yourself.

In my new book, I share 4 steps that provokes consciousness and will help drive your “Now What?”. Those 4 steps - Self-Analysis, Self-Transformation, Self-Evolution, and Self-Narration—provide insight into plans and actions you can take to analyze the aspects of your life that you’re not happy with or unfulfilled in—plans and actions that can help you discover ways to transform your state of being so you can evolve and create the narrative you want to represent your life.

While reading the book, I want you to keep four words in your thoughts: master, omit, visualize, and execute (MOVE). When I say MOVE, my book serves as a guide for how you can master, omit, visualize, and execute the things you need to master, omit, visualize, and execute so you can be the best version of yourself.

There are exercises throughout the book. Targeted worksheets at the end of the book to help you go under construction to determine what your MOVEs can look like. Yes, under construction because most often you have to unearth some things to repair, replace, and reconfigure so you can effectively drive yourself and MOVE forward with purpose and intention.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I love the level of support from both other authors and readers. I love how authors want to help one another gain exposure and grow their audience. I love how individuals like you create platforms like “Feed My Reads” to help authors gain exposure and grow their audience. I am eternally grateful for platforms like yours because of the opportunity to reach an audience I may never reach.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

Be opened to reading all genres of literature. There are so many creative and talented individuals writing about a myriad of subjects that can expand your perspective and shape you into something even greater.

Where can people connect with you?

I’d like to invite everyone to visit the “Yes! I Am Fed Up. Now What?” website – My book is available on Amazon… (if you purchase a copy, I’d appreciate you leaving a review). Please like and/or follow the book’s social media platforms. I love to share inspirational nuggets here and there. For more information about my human resources business, please visit For more information about Bridgette, the fitness/running coach, please visit


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