Book review - Walking on Thin Ice by Robert Burns

Book - Walking on Thin Ice

Author - Robert Burns

Rating -


Imagine your father was a detective and had one unsolved case which would haunt him for his last few years before he passed away, now imagine you work for a newspaper and have access to a lot of things that many others would not be able to get to, this is the exact situation Rachel finds herself in and so she decides to take on the job of solving the disappearance of a young girl in the local area where no body was found and no clues appear to confirm what has happened to her.

This story sees Rachel dealing with vivid dreams and her life becoming consumed by a desire to solve this case but will she be able to solve it or will it become too much for her, just as it did for her father?

This book is feels like a real police case in that you feel like progress is being made but then things fall apart with the progress you felt you'd already made.  The book is very well written and flows well but whilst I did really enjoy it I found it sometimes feeling like it was slowing down a little much for my personal preference and this is why the small markdown.

Overall a book I definitely recommend and something very much different than your normal crime story that is out there already.


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