Book interview - Sultry, Is the Night by Barbara Avon

Please tell us a little about the book

"Sultry, Is the Night" is my 25th title. 
After suffering a great personal loss, the story follows Mario who lives on the "wrong side of the tracks". He is desperate to make a better life for himself and eventually meets "Dito", the owner of Dean's Pizzeria, who gives him a chance at fulfilling his dream -- that of becoming a chef. Then he meets Tess, the beautiful, mysterious, stranger who lives in a luxury high-rise. The chemistry between them is strong, but she's hiding a secret. Something dark. Something he can not forgive. Although primarily a love story, the book is about overcoming all obstacles to emerge as the person you were always meant to be. 

Where did the inspiration come from for your book?

Just like with all of my stories, I come up with the title first, and then envision the characters who will play their part. Like Mario, I felt like an outcast for much of my life. Like him, there were points in my life where I was struggling financially. The story is also set in 1982 and as I wrote it, I remembered all of those 80s movies that encouraged you to follow your dreams, like Flashdance, or Staying Alive. 

How did you find the experience of writing this book?

I enjoyed every minute of it. As a writer, if I don't enjoy what I do, there is absolutely no point. 

Did you draw any inspiration from any real life people with any of your characters?

No. All of my characters are fictional, but like I said above, I've felt the way Mario does. I have even felt the way that Tess does. She, too, is misunderstood. 

If you could say anything to readers of this  book then what would it be?

As you read, you will find yourself immersed in three different worlds. The "poor side", the "rich side", and you're taken back to the 1980s. I also want readers to know that this story is extremely special to me. For now, I consider it my greatest accomplishment. 

Are there plans for more from these characters, or is it a stand alone piece?

There was never any plan, but I did leave it open for a sequel if I choose to pursue that idea in the future. 

Where can we buy your book?

Here is my direct link for different online bookstores, including Amazon worldwide. - Barbara Avon on

Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too

I am an active member of the writing community on Twitter - @barb_avon Readers can also subscribe to my newsletter here - SUBSCRIBE | barbaraavon


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