Book interview - The Simpleton by Barbara Avon

Please tell us a little about the book

"The Simpleton" marries horror and romance. It was my first horror novel and centers around Jonathan Peters who once held a prestigious position at Tribeck Advertising. Now he lives a solitary life and works in a flower shop. Now, they call him the "simpleton". After finding his wife dead in the bathtub, they deemed it an accident. Soon he's being haunted, and when the haunting begins to steal Jon's identity, he changes into a different man. He recognizes the ghost, though. It's someone he once vowed to spend his entire life with, and there's something she wants to say. Meanwhile, Trina is the woman who wants to know him, who wants to delve deeper into this broken man's soul. She visits the flower shop frequently under the guise of buying flowers for her aging grandmother. To Jon, though, love is no longer an option.  

Where did the inspiration come from for your book?

This entire story was inspired by the word "simpleton". I find it such an interesting word and I thought to myself, "what kind of character can I create that would fit the role?"

How did you find the experience of writing this book?

Since it was my first horror, it was a lot of fun! Exploring the darker side of life was interesting, but it was also heartbreaking. I can't really say how, or why, it was heartbreaking, as it's a major spoiler to the story. 

Did you draw any inspiration from any real life people with any of your characters?

No, I didn't. However, Trina (or Catarina) is Italian, as is her grandmother who resides in a nursing home. Trina is a lot like me. She is strong-willed, artistic, and no-nonsense. Plus, I'm also Italian. 

If you could say anything to readers of this  book then what would it be?

Readers have told me that they didn't see the twist coming. There are several clues that I sprinkle throughout the story and it all comes together for the reader when Jonathan is visited by two other ghosts. 

Are there plans for more from these characters, or is it a stand alone piece?

Unfortunately, it's a stand alone story. I say, "unfortunately" because by the end of the book, I really fell in love with Jonathan and I wish today that I could continue his story. 

Where can we purchase your book?

And this is the one link to all other stores - Barbara Avon on

Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too.

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