Book interview - The Millionaire's Cross by Sal Nudo

Please tell us a little about the book

The novel "The Millionaire's Cross" starts off at night in a cemetery in the heart of winter. Alex Neitzel, Trevor Neitzel, and Chad Batt stumble into an opportunity to make easy money from a rich old man named David Kendrick, who’s haunted by the loss of his only son. All they have to do is mail a letter.

The stakes rise soon after, however, when David asks the men to carry out an illicit deed—for a serious upgrade in pay.

What begins as a collaborative effort by Alex, Trevor, and Chad quickly becomes an example of the needling, conspiring influence money can have. The slow-burning, suspenseful plot of "The Millionaire’s Cross" puts ordinary individuals into an extraordinary circumstance, testing one man’s emotional state and ability to come to grips with his actions. 

Where did the inspiration come from for your book?

"The Millionaire's Cross" was inspired by the classic novel "A Simple Plan" by Scott Smith, my favorite novel of all time.

How did you find the experience of writing this book?

It was a long process. The book was originally published in 2014 and wasn't up to par. I rewrote a good portion of it in 2020, and I believe it's much better now. A note to your readers: If you purchased this book prior to April 12, 2020, please get a hold of me on Goodreads or Twitter. I will get you a complimentary e-book or paperback, depending on what you bought, so that you can read and review the new and much improved 2020 edition, which has a lot of new content and a much different ending! 

Did you draw any inspiration from any real life people with any of your characters?


If you could say anything to readers of this  book then what would it be?

As mentioned, "The Millionaire's Cross" was inspired by "A Simple Plan" by Scott Smith. Both books begin with similarities: a gloomy, snowy atmosphere; a mishap with a vehicle on the side of a country road; and argumentative dialogue among three individuals who feel like an unlikely trio. Things get interesting straightaway thanks to an intriguing offer these guys receive from a wayward-looking old man. The first time Alex, Trevor, and Chad discuss the old man's unexpected offer, you can already feel the bad vibes millions of dollars instigates.

My book veers off into other directions, but Smith's plot was the muse. People often talk about Alex Neitzel's unappealing personality and his awful crimes, but what I think makes "The Millionaire's Cross" tick are the in-depth conversations he has with his brother, Trevor, as well as some of the protagonist's own ruminations. Alex's uncomfortableness with his brother's gayness dictate some of his decisions, yet he's willing to listen to the thoughts of his often troubled younger sibling. Both men are driven by money, and in the end that becomes their undoing.

Most of us would probably do the right thing in Alex Neitzel's situation--walk away from a fishy, amoral offer. But money is an enticing prize, and situations like this are what make make-believe stories so interesting and fun. Enjoy this book, which will test your limits of forgiveness. I hope it entertains and spawns a good conversation with fellow fiction readers.

Are there plans for more from these characters, or is it a stand alone piece?

It's a standalone piece.

Where can we purchase your book?


Please tell us where readers can connect with you and find out about any new book releases too.

Please connect with me on Twitter at @NudoSal.


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