Scott Springer interview


A little introduction:

I recently retired, like at the time of this it’s been two weeks. The first week I would have been on vacation anyway, so it’s been a week. Now I’ve got the time to write and read and put a hand in with my grandkids. I’m going to write a romcom. I’m currently at 12,000 words of 80k, an outline, and the query letter is set to be fired off. Put Laura Bradford on call coz I’m going there first.

When did your love of books begin?

My mother reading to me. I know a lot of Mother Goose. I read to my two kids most nights, like even some of their high school lit. My grandkids are more into TikTok and You Tube. Times change and I don’t want to be one of those old folk saying “Kids, today.” But I did buy them books and a reading light for Christmas.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

It’s always been a thing. Like forever. It’s been an off and on again like When Harry Met Sally. Can an author and a novel ever be friends?

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

It’s taken much longer than I ever anticipated. I’ve been at it seriously for over ten years. Maybe more like fifteen. For many years I got up at five in the morning to get words in before my day started. After the last round of rejections and the pandemic and all I gave it up for a while and played guitar. But now I’m back. I am probably a touch psychotic, but I know how the book ends. HEA baby!

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Well, judge the source of this advice, but do your own thing. If it’s your thing, do it. But here’s the real deal. It’s “write what you know,” so live a life worth writing about.

Tell us about your book/books:

Yeah, I’m not going to get into that too much yet. Boy gets girl, boy loses girl, and yet those crazy kids find a way back to each other. My heroine is a plus size. I guess Rebel Wilson won’t get the lead anymore. But dealing with weight is an important topic that hopefully I can approach with a deft hand. We’ll see.

What do you love about the writing/reading community?

I’ve been on Twitter for two weeks. I follow a bunch of writers and I love scrolling my timeline and seeing what people are up to.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

The only place you’re going to read me at the moment is on Twitter. But follow along. Maybe I’ll tweet my draft’s done, am editing, am querying, etc.

Where can people connect with you?



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