Roni Faciane interview


A little introduction:

My name is, Roni Faciane and I'm a certified life coach, and former Lipstick Bounty Hunter, who advocates for improved protections for abused children, better funded police and prison reforms, decriminalization of sex work and better understanding of the dangers of media disinformation.

When did your love of books begin?

I was around 10 years old when my mother bought me my first Babysitters Club book. I didnt come out of my room until I finished the whole book; two days later.. I loved the story, the smell of the book and visiting the bookstore to find more. Once I learned there was an entire series I had to read them all. 

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

I'd always loved to write poems and essays in school but it wasnt until I was older, in my 30's, that I wanted to write something more meaningful. After my journey as a bounty hunter, and what I witnessed, I decided to turn my emotional suffering to art.

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

The process to becoming an author was fairly easy but the process to publish my finished work as a fearless writer was a huge challenge. While writing, you're safe in your own world and view your art as a masterpiece but once you release it out to the cruel world to be judged, it brings an immense amount of anxiety.

What would you say to those wanting to become an author?

Accept that you may be the only one who views your work worthy to read, and write anyway.

Tell us about your book/books:

My book is a memoir about my life as a single mom who convicted her daughters father and stepmother for brutally abusing her. When the courts only gave them probation I was on a mission of justice and pursued a career in the bail/bounty hunting industry in hopes to change legislation for other abused children. I had worked at a mens prison 15 years prior as a guard and understood the system needed to change. Once I joined an all womens bounty hunting team, one of the arrests went viral on youtube which lead to both national and international attention. Not long after, one of our fugitives had fallen victim to two serial killers that also received national attention. My life had become stranger than fiction and I felt it was time to tell my story.


What do you love about the writing/reading community?

The support. Traditional publishing is very competitive but the Indie community is very supportive of one another.

If you could say anything to your readers what would it be?

This story isn't meant for my readers to understand like normal stories. It has twists and turns that bring about confusion and questions, all of which are intentional. I want them to feel the emotions of a woman who is scared all the time while forced to be courageous. The confusion of a life that makes no sense and with no happy ending in sight. The PTSD a woman experiences as a mother and the demons she carries working in law enforcement. Its a story they may have to read more than once to find the point, which is that no one can truly understand those who run towards danger while others run from it.

Where can people connect with you?

My website,

twitter @birdsofafelony and gettr @b Feeirdsofafelony


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