R.J. Batchelor interview


A little introduction:

R. J. Batchelor is a writer and historian focusing on the events surrounding World War I and World War II. While traveling and living in the United Kingdom, she researches archived documents hidden from history.With a graduate degree and a fourteen-year career in colleges and universities, she has taken the step into the world of literature, putting her own spin on history as recorded. Look for The Last Tsar of Russia, book two in The Lost Kings series.

When did your love of books begin? 

My love of books began at the young age of seven when my mother always had her nose in a book and I became curious enough to ask her what she was reading. The rest is history.

When did you start to have the wish to become an author?

never did wish to become an author because I loved reading other people's books so much. It was when a historic discovery happened that I had no choice but to write about it. I was driven and obsessed from then on. 

How have you found the process for becoming an author?

The process of becoming an author has been the most challenging and rewarding of my life. I started from knowing nothing, then over 5 years of learning from other writers and a great supportive cast of friends, I had my manuscript accepted by the first publishing house that read it. Amazing and overwhelming at the same time. I would say to anyone wanting and being driven to become an author, "Within yourself lies the ability to make all your dreams come true. Surround yourself with positive people and things. Be open to the unexpected, because you just might succeed in a way you did not plan. Never stop believing."

Tell us about your book/books:

The Lost King of England - Living his life oblivious to his heritage, an unknown Prince and the rightful heir to the throne of England finds the truth about his birthright in a most unexpected way. His new love interest discovers his link to the Royal Family with physical proof that starts him on a journey of self-discovery and deception, revealing the extent the shadow group surrounding the Monarchies will go to keep their secrets.

Spanning three generations, The Lost King of England uncovers facts kept hidden and reveals true events surrounding the abdication of Edward VIII, World War I, World War II, and how they should have been written. It will make you question everything you have been told.


What do you love about the writing/reading community?

love the reading/writing community because there was a very dark time in my journey when they were my only positive and encouraging support system. Reading each person's struggles made me feel not so alone in my quest. Today, I thank each and every one of them that gave me a hand up with words of hope.

Where can people connect with you?

People can connect with me through my website https://www.fultonbooks.com/books/?book=the-lost-king-of-england 


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