My First Five Star Review Experience - Denis McCarthy
Where was the review left?
The review was left on Amazon where my book is available.
How did you initially feel seeing five stars?
I felt whoppee doope do. I couldn't believe it. I think I ran around my garden to get rid of the positive energy.
After reading the review in full how did you respond or react?
I tried to relate what the reviewer said to the story and my approach to it. It made sense to me what they said. My book is not for everyone, so it's appreciated that someone took the time to review the book.
Did you celebrate and if you did then how?
I definitely had an extra glass of wine that night.
What would you say to someone who just got their own first five star review?
It's great and take the appreciation for what it is, that someone enjoyed your book. However read the review and try and use any of the comments for further development.
Just how important are reviews to authors?
I think they are incredibly important if taking as a whole. I believe you cannot take a single review, which is why it's important to get as many as possible. This gives a good sample of the people that read your book. Just as important is your first two star as your five star. Take each review in context but it's the collective opinion that shows what readers thought of your work.
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